Critical thinking - Summary of CSpeaking gym 31 Jul

How many of you here who like to eat fish?

How many of you who like to eat plastic?

You may think the two things –are separate but actually, they are the same.


Because the plastic cup we throw away normally goes to the ocean. As plastic cannot biodegrade, after some years it only can be broken down into smaller pieces. Fish also eats them and we eat fish. 

If you told me that 3 weeks ago, I would have looked at you as some of you look at me now and ran away. I now believe and know it is happening. 3 weeks ago, my friend refused to meet me in a coffee shop which uses a lot of plastic products. That made me think and reflect upon my use of plastic and the consequences caused by plastic.

Have you ever paused to reflect upon why do you do what you do? Have you ever critically thought about why do you do what you do? Do you often use critical thinking to analyse and evaluate things so you can do things more deliberately? 

To challenge everyone improve their critical thinking, yesterday, in our CSpeaking gym, we also discussed about this topic.  

Why critical thinking?

Critical thinking can be explained in a simple way - is the ability to think clearly and rationally about what to do or believe. Critical thinking helps us to see the big picture of a situation. 

Hence, critical thinking brings different advantages:

  • Save time: Critical Thinking teaches you how to prioritise your time and resources by analysing what is essential to the process. This also helps you to know that a decision is ultimately a good one.
  • An appreciation of differing worldviews: Critical Thinking enables you to see beyond, not judge, cultural norms and learn how to understand other factors that can influence decision-making. This empathy and understanding is crucial to effective teamwork and leadership.
  • Enhanced Communication: By teaching you to analyse and build your evidence for any given premise, Critical Thinking can make you a more effective communicator. Consistent and relevant points to support your theory are pivotal in communicating a proposal or idea proficiently. When you know your stuff, so will they.
  • Decision-making abilities: You leave intuition or guesswork decision-making behind, and begin to work on a more analytical and considered basis, resulting in sounder decisions.

(Source: Regan, 2015)

Critical thinking levels: 

There are some levels of Critical thinking that is reflected well in the model named Bloom's Taxonomy: 


Hope you have a critical thinking day!

Nonstop love live give,


CSpeaking gym every Tuesday:

Competence - Speaking gym 24th Jul

We had another rocking day with great laughter and lot of lessons. 

1. Competence 

We talked about Competence. We know competence comes from the alignment of skills, attitude and behaviour development. The more we develop good patterns, the more competence we gain, the more confidence we have.

We know for the fact that skills/attitude/behaviour can be changed with practice although the level of difficulties will be varied skill by skill, attitude by attitude, behaviour by behaviour, person by person, context by context.

So the first step to gain competence is to decide we want to develop skills/attitude/behaviour. 

2. Pain and please 

Write down the reasons that make us want to develop these skills/attitude/behaviour.  List out the pain of not achieving them and pleasure of achieving them.

Keep an image with the pleasure to remind you everyday to engage with the things you want to learn.

3. Plan of action 

Make an action plan for every month, every week, every day to develop the skills/attitude/behaviour 

4. Reminder

Create a reminder on the phone or having a friend to remind you to stay on track

5. Reward 

Give yourself some credits after each day!

By learning these new skills/attitude/behaviour and practice them everyday, they will become habits and you can obtain conscious competence.

See everyone in the next event on Tuesday, 20 Nui truc, Lancaster building!

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Competence: 4 stages to develop a new skill

4 stages to develop a skill become a habit (Martin Broadwell, Abraham Maslow) with an example of driving a car:

Stage 1:  Unconscious incompetence 

We dont know what we dont know 

Stage 2: Conscious incompetence

When we first drive a car. 

We go to the theory part of that we realise that 'We don't know what we don't know '

Stage 3: Conscious competence 

We now we get better, we gain competence 

Stage 4: Unconscious competence

It becomes a habit. 

For attitude and behavior, it takes more effort!


The key is to use the formation of a habit to develop a new skill/behaviour/attitude 

- You don't know that people don't feel comfortable with the way you speak 

- You realise people don't feel comfortable 

- You consciously decide to gain competence 

You adjust one by one time

- You do it automatically 

Hence, you want to get feedback from people and then compare these feedback to be aware of the issue. You then can set up the cue for the new behaviour. For example, I always use an image that there is a potential friend who is really looking forward to hearing my presentation about a particular topic. Or maybe  set an intention before you step on the state. Or maybe try to minimise the content to present. Just keep one question in your mind 'What is one thing I want people to receive when they listen to us.

We can also list out of the good things or bad things if we behave like that.

After that we need to make a clear plan and have reminders or accountable partners to stay consistent.

It becomes a habit. 

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Summary of Empower You Seminar 22 Jul 'Habits'



5 high performance habits

1. Seek clarity

o   Setting a clear specific goal (e.g., I achieve Toiec 800 in Dec 2019)

o   Make an action plan using a tree diagram

Monthly action

Weekly action

Weekly action

Daily action


o   4S clarity Self – 3 words to reflect your best self …Skills – 3 key skills to achieve your goal …Social networks – 3 social networks can help you achieve your goal …Sense – 3 feelings help me achieve your goal …2. Raise necessity …

o   4S clarity

 Self – 3 words to reflect your best self …

Skills – 3 key skills to achieve your goal …

Social networks – 3 social networks can help you achieve your goal …

Sense – 3 feelings help me achieve your goal …

2. Raise necessity 

o   Purpose

§  3 reasons I want to achieve my goal …

§  3 people I will reach out to support me …

§  3 ways to remind me the important of the goal …

o   People

§  One awesome friend to add …

§  One volunteer job to do …

§  One sport to play …

§  A mentor to help you achieve your goal …

3.  Increase productivity

o   3 outputs that matter to achieve your goal …

o   5 moves to progress you to get closer to your goal …

§  Deadlines for the 5 moves …

4. Generate energy

o   3 things to eliminate to release my tension everyday …

o   3 ways to bring the joy to the journey …

o   3 ways to optimise my health …

5.  Demonstrate courage

o   3 ways to overcome difficulties …

o   3 ways to share my ambition and my truth …

o   3 things that I am scared of but I know it is good to do them …

§  The time I will do the 3 things ...



The power of 'Thank you'

THE POWER OF "THANK YOU" with a smile

I remember that was one of the very first days I was in Spain to study my first Masters degree. That day, my friends and I went to the enrollment office to register for our program.
We were so excited from the moment leaving the house because of thinking about studying in the new environment. As we arrived at the office, we approached the office staff and friendly said "Hi, how are you. We would like to register for our Masters program. Can you please help us?"
We were met in silence.
The lady then said something in Spanish language that we didn't have capability to understand at that time.
As we didn't reply to her, she then made a sign that she couldn't help us and said "you don't speak Spanish, I cannot help you now". As she said, she called the next students queuing behind us.
We didn't know how to respond to it because our program was in English and we didn't expect that reaction.
I thought to myself - there would be at least a solution so I convinced her "We are sorry that we cannot speak Spanish yet, could you help us this time, could you ask your manager to allow to help us this time?"
The lady told us that she had to help students who could speak Spanish first and that I could ask her manager and her manager would say the same. She then pointed me to go to the manager room so she could continue serving other students.
I went to the manager's room, smiled and said "Hola. Gracias" (meaning Thank you), the manager's face turned to excitement and she said "Hola...(and many other sentences in Spanish)".
As she finished, I said "Gracias". She got excited and said "you could understand Spanish?" and she continued speaking. I nodded on the way and said "Gracias" on the way.

After some minutes, she paused and said "you only can say "Gracias?"".
I said "Si" (mean Yes), I smiled.

She then laughed "Yes, you can say Hola, Gracias and Si". "Anways, let me help you guys to register. Just because of your smiles and the "Gracias" for everything I said".

My friends couldn't stop laughing when hearing how did I say Gracias for everything the lady said but it worked, we got the support - thanks to Gracias - thanks to the power of THANK YOU.
Have you experienced a similar situation like this where a THANK YOU with a smile did a big help to you? And yes, making you feel happy and making others feel appreciated.

The University of Georgia recently conducted a survey on the subject of marital happiness and they found the benefits of saying 'Thank you':

The Thanker

· Produces positive emotional state

· Increases sense of well being

· Triggers ‘feel good’ hormones

The Thankee

· Feels higher levels of self worth

· Triggers greater desire to help Thanker

· Triggers helpful behaviors toward others

· Appreciate being needed

· Feel more socially valued

Who will you say THANK YOU to today? (and also don't forget to thank you to yourself as you are spending time to develop you)

Happy week forward my friends!

An act of kindness


I went to a seminar some days ago and met a lady in the toilet. While I was checking to make sure my face clean, she turned me around to face her and ask 'Do you want to be more beautiful?' I just smiled as I loved to see how enthusiasm she was in approaching a stranger like me.

As I smiled, she continued 'You only need to say yes, the rest I will take care'

She then did something with my hair and my face...I smiled the whole time because of the kindness of the stranger...

Stranger care...

Let's care about each other^^

This Sunday we will share more stories and techniques to create more interesting moments for our life

You win I win We win - The power of Collaboration

I was so thrilled today to see our members in different levels of language, thinking and background effectively and creatively worked together.

One team made a scenario in which 2 people need to decorate a whiteboard. One person was short and other was tall. The short person easily drew in the bottom area of the whiteboard while the tall person easily did the same with the top of the whiteboard. They did not collaborate with each other so it turned out that they both got blamed by their managers because one did not do the painting in the top of the white board well and the other did not paint well in the bottom the whiteboard.

The manager gave them the 2nd chance and asked them to work together that when they realised they could make a great painting from the top to the bottom by working together.

 You have one idea, I have one idea, we share, we have 2 ideas.

If you win, I win we win!



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Practice 'creativity' muscle

Creativity is a muscle that we can train it by creating a 'gym' for it.

Adapting from the book of Tim Ferris, I found the following practice is useful. Let's join me to practice it everyday.

'Create a habit of writing own 10 ideas each morning'

- One old idea I can make new

- One ridiculous thing I would invent 

- One book I can write 

- One business idea for Google/Amazon/Twitter 

- One person I can send idea to 

- One podcast or video I can shoot

- One person I want to be friend with 

- One thing I learned yesterday

- One thing I can do differently today

- One way I try to solve a problem I have



Effective communication: Make your speech ISO

What I just did now was to express what I wanted to tell you using body language instead of words. Do you think it is powerful?

Words have power,

Action has much more power,

Words account for 5% the effective communication; the rest depends on the nonverbal communication. Nonverbal communication here includes body language, eye contacts. How can we make the best out of the use of both verbal and nonverbal communication? I have a formula for you to do so, the name is ISO. Make your speech ISO to achieve the effectiveness of communication.


Let’s start with the first one – S – Smile.

Smile is the shortest distance between two people,  physically and mentally. I remember when I was at my first year university, I often sat on the first rows and sometimes turned back to see the class. I always saw a boy smiling at me whenever I turned back to see the class. There might be other boys but I noticed him the most because of his teeth – so white and bright. First time, second time and third time I felt so curious that I asked him ‘Why do you smile at me all the time, and your teeth is really white anyway’. Can you guess what did he answer?


I felt in love with his smile and somehow with him later on. Smile is powerful. It expresses our openness. Smiling is non-verbal communication and often it speaks louder than any word you can say. A smile says, “I like you. I am interested in you.”

If you say you are not a smiley person but you want to be. Then just smile. It is a practice. Sometimes we need to smile from outside then we can smile from inside. And if we can smile from inside, our face and body also smile and it creates a vibe that others can feel.

However, is it good if we smile all the time? Thinking about the case ‘I broke up with the boy, he got married with his long-term friend in his childhood even we loved each other?’ In this context, maybe smiling is not really appropriate. Or thinking about my speech last time, Therefore, need to organise our smile, we need to organise both verbal and nonverbal communication so we can communicate effectively.


The next point is to make your speech O – Organisation

Organising words following a structure, organise nonverbal communication in the right context. Organisation helps audiences follow us easier. For this one we can use the power of number 3

- structure: 3 parts introduction, body, conclusion

For each point in the body, tell the idea, example and analyse

Tell people what you say, say it, and summary what you say

- eyes contact: look at each person less than 3s to avoid staring at them; looking at three parts of the rooms ‘right, middle, left’

- using stages: 3 areas ‘right, middle, left’


Now we smile to create a friendly impression with the audience, we organise our speech, we want to master the most important key ‘I’ – Intention

I think smile and excitement for speaking helps me a lot during my speaking journey. I always feel excited anytime I have a chance to speak in front of others. Sometimes I felt so thrilled after speaking on stage, my mentor came to me and said ‘what is your purpose to speak?’ yes, everything seemed to be great but he didn’t know what is the one sentence to describe the purpose of my speech.

He told me ‘ask yourself over and over again until you get that one sentence’.  Think about it, before you enter a conversation or give a speech, what do you normally think?

-> how to not be nervous?

That’s why you tend to be more nervous, anytime the word comes to your mind, it appears as a signal to tell you that you are nervous. Our brain doesn’t know the ‘not’ only know the word ‘nervous’

-> your intention before entering a conversation should start with a question ‘what is the one message that I want to convey?’ ‘what is the feeling I want people to feel?’ ‘what is the feeling I want myself to feel?’

>>>>>>>>>>>>>it is when you choose to focus on the effectiveness of your speech for the benefits of the audiences

And obviously, set your intention to smile from your heart…

Before you get on stage, touch your head, heart > with an intention to serve > smile and organise your speech to let people follow – you just make your speech ISO (not standards of anyone but standards of your heart and head)


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The power of speaking language of listeners

I often heard about the power of speaking the language of the listeners when I was a kid but I didn't really feel it. I remember the time that made me deeply feel that power when I won the heart of a Spanish lady by a smile and a word 'Si'.

My friend and I went to the enrollment office to register for my Masters in Spain some years ago. They rejected to help us register because we couldn't speak their language, Spanish. I then convinced the staff to let me talk with their manager. The manager also rejected to support us as we didn't speak Spanish. 

I smiled at her with the gratitude that at least she came out to talk to us and I said 'Si'  (meaning Yes) and nodded with everything she spoke.

'Come here, little girl'

She suddenly called me to come over to her. She then started speaking Spanish with me more and I said 'Si' even more. She then realised I only could say 'Si'. She laughed and then helped me and my friend then registered anyway.  She told it was just because of my smile and the Spanish word 'Si' that made her think I had a good attitude and could speak the same language - Spanish - as her. 

I went home and still smiled inside me, thanks to a smile and a word 'Si'. 

Speaking other's language, either their language or the way they speak can create powerful results. 

During my journey of learning about communication, I found 'SOLAR' is a powerful model to help us build rapport with the listeners by using non-verbal communication apart from verbal communication:

  • Squarely face the person
  • Open posture
  • Lean towards the person
  • Eye contact
  • Relax

(Egan, 2002)

What are your tips for effective communication? 




Have you seen this model VRIO?

It is a great business strategy tool to help company be competitive in the market. I see it can be applied in our daily life: be VRIO to be our best self.

***VRIO (Value, Rarity, Imitability and Organisation) in organisation***

According to VRIO, a firm's resource or capability must be valuable, rare, inimitable and non-substitutable, to become a source of sustained competitive advantage (Barney, 1997; Grant, 2016; Henry, 2012). For example, a company named Sense Worldwide has open innovation based on co-creation as the key source of their sustained competitive advantage.

***VRIO in your daily life***

Values (identity) - 3 words to describe my values are:... 

Rare imitable skills - 3 unique skills are:...

Organisation (daily action) - 3 ways for me to develop my identity and skills everyday are:..



Finish the year 2017 strong to start an extraordinary year 2018





Free download 1 PAGE ACHIEVER - tool to increase x10 productivity and free conversation here

Finish the year 2017 strong in the next 28 days (if you are reading this post on 3rd Dec 2017 ^_^)  is the first step to gain the momentum to start an extraordinary year 2018. This post shares information covered in the live seminar on 3rd Dec 2018 that you can use to gear up for an extraordinary year 2018. Thanks to all speakers (Jen; Allen  -  and Angela - ) and amazing proactive audiences. 



We all have dreams and goals but we may not always feel taking action and omitting to our goals or dreams. Why don't we DO things to achieve what we want? The main reason resides in the UN-ALIGNMENT between what we want to achieve (conscious mind) and what drives our behaviours (subconscious mind). This means we all somehow have RESOURCES or can CULTIVATE resources to achieve what we want, we just need to work on how to align our CONSCIOUS and SUBCONSCIOUS mind.



4 principles to collaborate with our mind (particularly to create the alignment between our conscious - which controls less than 10% of our behaviours  and subconscious mind - which controls more than 90% of our behaviours)

1. Interest: Our mind works the best with what we are interested 

2. Pain and pleasure: Our mind helps us to avoid pain and gain pleasure 

3. Images: Our mind works best with images 

4. Familiarity/Habits: Our mind acts upon what is familiar 




TOOLS/TECHNIQUES (you need to try to see which one is working the best for you):

1. Managing your state of mind with visualising techniques before entering an important event or making a decision or when you have negative feeling (for example, thinking about what do you feel thankful the most, step in that moment of feel them with all senses). This technique primes our SUBCONSCIOUS mind to positive grateful state. Our mind cannot focus on 2 different feelings at the same moment, either positive or negative. From that point, you can make a decision or take bolder action to create better results.

2. The power of perspectives: Looking at things in different perspectives (re-framing techniques) to take better action or change from negative to positive things. You can use 3 questions to re-frame most of any events:

+ How do I/you know that?

+ Redefine the concepts with different words (our mind works the best with certain words, you need to find what words work the best for you)

+ Think from the time aspect (how do you see the things differently with the past, present, future)?

3. Empower empowering beliefs: We need to acknowledge our eliminate our limiting beliefs but we also need to emphasis them and amplify them:

We can use 3 questions for strengthening one empowering belief:

+ What does it mean?

+ How do I know that?

+ What make me do that well or be that person?

4. To feel centered and content in the here and NOW:

You can use 3 principles for meditation:

+ Be comfortable 

+ Awareness and focus 

+ No attachment with outcomes 

5. Reflection to take bolder/better action

Reflection and celebration for any wins in 2017 to gain the momentum/pleasure that makes our brain understands that what is good so it drives us to keep it up. At the same time, we can reflect on what is not pleasure and how we can gain pleasure by improving on it. 


7. Sustain empowering habits




I heard from a lot of my friends/clients especially ones who run their own businesses that they are overscheduled, overcommitted and overextended (and I used to feel that way and maybe some of you also feel it sometimes). It likes we are on a treadmill and couldn't stop running. Studies have given us evidence that REFLECTION can be a great tool for optimal brain functioning that leads to higher productivity level or sustain our productivity/performance.

We can do reflection after each important event, in the end of each day or in the weekend.

This week, let's spend some moments to get to the nature and do some reflection to gear up for the new week. THIS WEEK. EVERY WEEK.


Free Download Reflection form

How to pay attention to details

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How to pay attention to details?
I heard from a lot of my clients and friends who shared with me 'I am not a detail-oriented person' and that negatively influenced their successes. 
I also used to tell myself 'I am not a detail-oriented person' but then I started teaching myself to improve on it (and it is still going on) after I noticed it tremendously negatively influenced on my personal and business life. 
The most recent result of not paying attention to details of mine was related to a brochure for my Empower You seminar on 3rd of Dec. I made a quite 'nice' graphic brochure (I think^^) with information of speakers, the theme of the seminar (plan for an extraordinary year 2018) and the address of the seminar. I then shared it on my social media with the line 'Exciting to the seminar with empowering audiences and speakers'. One of my friends cleverly commented 'Is it the one on 3rd Dec?' Wow, I realised there was no info about the date either on the brochure or the line. I then took down the brochure and edited it by adding the date to it. I thought everything would go well then.
It turned out even worst!
A member of my mastermind group yesterday looked at it and couldn't stop laughing 'Oh, it is 3rd Dec 2018, so far to go.' I also couldn't stop laughing because of my hilarious mistake 'Oh no, 'it is on 3rd Dec 2017, just one more week to go.' I added the date but with the wrong year (Who would plan for an extraordinary 2018 at the end of 2018^^).

You can see my terrible mistakes were due to not paying attention to details. However, it doesn't mean I use the categorised sentence 'I am not a detail-oriented person' as an excuse to not improve on it.  So do you. 
We may be not good at details. Nothing is wrong with it. But if we use it as an excuse to make the same mistakes over and over again, it is the time to wake up and admit and do something about it. With dedication and practice, we can improve on it. 
Remember, it is not about the 'details' but it is about what important to what you are doing. If something is important enough, no matter they are details or big picture, you want to improve on them, no excuses. 

So let's crack it together with 3 practices for 3 scenarios:
1. You don't have a lot of time to prepare or to do something. For example, you have to chat with your clients or email them as soon as possible. You only have minutes to do that. 
You can finish the answers or email then take a deep breath, going to the toilet, going for a walk 2 or 3 minutes then read it again. You can send to your phone or other devices or your own email first, imagine you as a reader, are you going to understand the answers or are you going to get benefits from that? You may realise some small mistakes that ruin the quality of your work then your values. It is like the food is great but is contained in a messy box, chances people don't even bother to try it and have some bad perception at the beginning about it.

2. Scenario 2: You have a longer time before sending or completing your work. You can change your state of mind with longer activity such as going for a run or swimming and coming back and read or check your work again.
You can also leave it rest for a day and later on coming back to read with a good state of mind and see are you understanding them?
The further step is to send to others for help to get feedback. That's what happen with this article where Sophie helps me to edit it. For sure it can be still improved, but for a certain amount of time, we try to do our best. Don't fall into the trap of perfectionist then you delay it longer. 

3. Think about doing your work as the last chance you do it. If it sounds negative to you, thinking about you in 5 years with much more reputation and success, are you going to be proud of it? Last but not least, thinking about the readers, their energy and their time, if they respect your time and energy, also respect others' time and energy, they may give up on you just because of your lazinesses in trying to pay attention to details.

So let's get back to the question of 'Does it matter to us?' not about we are now good at or not. We can work on making it better, maybe take a long time depending on each person, but we know discipline, we can do it. We also want to think from the readers' perspectives that if we were they, would we continue reading or listening?
If you have commitment to read this article till here, please share your thoughts to improve together.

How to make good decisions

Lack of the ability to make good decisions is the major reason of our procrastination as well as failure. Any decisions we make consciously or unconsciously determine the direction of our life.

We can learn to train our muscle of making good decisions: 

1. The sooner, the better

Although there are some decisions may take longer time than others, the sooner we make a decision, the better it is. For example, if we decide to move to other country to live for a while, it may take longer time than deciding to go to a meeting or not. No matter what, over analysing paralysing often leads to procrastination. Making quick definite decisions is the antidote for procrastination. Hence, we can refer to other following points to make decisions sooner.

    2. Refer to our criteria

    We can set a list of criteria for decision making to consult to.

    The criteria are compatible with your values, interests, abilities, purpose, your best self (your future self in 5 years), people around you, or society.

    3. Do good research and refer to good references

    Lots of us get influenced by opinions that make us make bad decisions. We need to make sure we consult right people.

    • We need to identify the objectives or outcome we want to achieve from making the decisions. We then can brainstorm and come up with several possible choices by gaining different perspectives, gathering as many facts and as much information we can to assess your options (people you trust, people who are successful)
    • Refer to the good past experience if the situation is similar to the past situations where we made good decisions, if not we should avoid using similar patterns of the past.

    4. Make a decision and stick to it

    Sometimes the decisions make us feel fear because of the changes we need to make even though we know if we make them happen, the results would be good; we should make the decisions and stick to them.

    Instead of wondering around and being worried, we should make the decisions sooner. 

    Stop putting it off, make that decision and most importantly, stick to it.

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    Here's how to make networking support your goals

    We may not deny the benefits of networking but it can be tricky if we only love the idea of networking instead of actually turning networking activities into results.

    Here are 3 steps to turn networking into results:

    1. Choose the right networking events 

    You may think 'right' means people who have same interests or goals. However, it can be a network of people who have total different interests. 

    • Networks of people having same interests as you create a safe comfortable environment for you to express yourself and share ideas because they have tolerance and maybe same frequency as you. That's great.
    • Networks of people having different interests challenge you to accept different ways of thinking and perspectives. People may not have same level of interests in your interests compared to people in the above networks. Hence, it gives you the chance to get out of your comfort zones. However, making sure that these networks are networks of people who have growth service mindset and certain levels of success in life. These people could uplift you to the next level of frequency of success. 

    For example, if you are a student who wants to improve your speaking skills. You may go to speaking club of students. It is great. However, you can challenge yourself to go to business meeting that you may learn from different successful business owners who may go a further step in life compared to you.

    2. Setting intention before any networking events 

    • What can you give to the networks (e.g., your black book of contacts, your passion)
    • What are 3 outcomes you want to learn from the events 

    3. Taking action 

    Going to networking events is a great bold move if you are not a networking person yet. However, it is usefulness without any further action. 

    • Record these people whom you meet in a database (e.g., excel file with name, email, phone, etc)
    • Contact at least 3 people to go for a coffee or Skype call 
    • Follow up, share ideas, add values and maintain relationships with people are matter to your goals 
    • Find at least 1 person you think you can support and offer to support them to achieve their goals 

    And yes, don't forget to bring the JOY to the networking events.

    Nonstop love, live, give



    Authentic power

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    This week I shared a story about my second oldest sister in a speaking event. After the event finished, some people came and asked me whether the story was true or not as it was interesting to them. I feel thankful to have my sister who has been my 'unlimited resources' of stories for my speeches. People love my sister's stories. She is brilliant. 

    She does not read a lot of books. She does not travel a lot. However, she is the most authentic 'book' that I have read. She is my icon for the authentic power. Although having an accident that broke her one leg, she took it as the second chance to live fully with her authentic self. She always smiles. She always sees things with opportunities. She has a courage to do what she loves. She makes people around her happy. She gives unconditionally. She inspires my first book 'Nonstop loving, living, and giving'. 

    Anyway today I am not sharing about my sister's stories but about the authentic power.  You may know about different benefits of having authentic power such as having deeper love for yourself and others or enhancing real courage. Society somehow conditions us that dilutes our authentic power.
    However, we can unleash or free it through daily action:

    • Expand your emotional awareness: Keep checking your emotions 

    • Create conscious intentions: Always set intention for each day, each meeting and each event in life

    • Make empowered choices: Be fully responsible for your choice. Make a choice based on what your soul truly wants

    • Access the wisdom of your Intuition: Have you ever known that something was going to happen before it happened? This is your intuition bursting through your rational thinking. Learn to recognize and trust intuition by daily connecting with your purpose, your goal and take immediate action 

    • Cultivate spiritual partnerships: Practice meditation, yoga or mindfulness. Go to the nature more often and keep your journal

    To make good decisions

    Make a good decision starts with making a decision to make the decision.jpg

    Lack of decisions is a major reason of our procrastination and bad outcomes. We can train our decision-making muscle.  

    1. Decide to make a decision sooner

    Although there are some decisions may take longer time than others, the sooner we make a decision, the better it is. For example, if we decide to move to other country to live for a while, it may take longer time than deciding to go to a meeting or not. No matter what, over analysing paralysing often leads to procrastination. Hence, we can refer to other following points to make decisions sooner.

    2. Do research to make a good decision

    • Identify the decision to be made as well as the objectives or outcome you want to achieve
    • Brainstorm and come up with several possible choices by gaining different perspectives, gathering as many facts and as much information you can to assess your options (people you trust, people who are successful)
    • If you don't have some different perspectives to make sure you have a good choice not in a hurry. Avoiding using the same patterns of your past to make a decision for your future if in the past you didn't make any good decisions

    3. Determine if the options are compatible with your values, interests, abilities, purpose, and your best self (your future self in 5 years)

    • Weigh the probabilities or possible outcomes. In other words, what's the worst that can happen? What will happen if I do A, B or C and can I live with the consequences
    • Make a list of the pros and cons. Prioritize which considerations are very important to you, and which are less so. Sometimes when you match the pros against the cons you may find them dramatically lopsided.

    Make a decision and stick to it

    Leadership Identity

    The most recent research consider leadership development as ‘identity development’ (first introduced by Strauss and Corbin, 1998).

    Identity here refers to the processes of making meaning associated with particular situations or roles that influence the way individuals perceive themselves or others as leaders.

    (Adopted from Komives et al., 2005)

    The influences on identity development includes: adult influences, peer influences, meaningful involvement, and reflective learning (they change across the stages of the central category):

        • adult influences,
          • (adults were particularly influential as role models)
          • Later, adults continued as models and became actively engaged mentors
          • In college, adults continued as models and mentors, but also become meaning-makers and even evolved into friends
        • peer influences,
          • same ages served as friends, old ages served as role models
        • meaningful involvement,
          • clarify personal values and interests
          • learn about self, and develop new skills
          • Team-based involvements such as sports, theater, and band taught students to do their personal best while concurrently supporting others.
        • and reflective learning
          • Structured opportunities for critical reflection to uncover their passions,integrity, and commitment to continual selfassessment and learning



    5 ways to beat Procrastination

    If you have a tendency to put things off, here are 5 things you can do to beat procrastination and enjoy a happier, more fulfilling life:

    1. Make a decision

    Just like right and left, up and down, hot and cold, there’s procrastinate and decide.

    2. Identify the patterns

    • On one sheet: elaborate on how you procrastinate—what you do, when you do it, etc.

    One of the common symptom of it is you always say to yourself "you will do it better the next day"

    • On the other sheet: What would be the exact opposite of that?”
    • Read and rewrite what you wrote on the second sheet every day until you notice that you’re no longer procrastinating.

    3. Break it down

    Sometimes we procrastinate because we don’t know where to begin. Break large projects into milestones, and then into small, actionable steps

    4. Stop trying to be perfect.

    Perfectionism is an illusion that slows you down and prevents you from reaching your goal. Act quickly, doing the best you can.

    5. Celebrate small wins and keep gratitude journey

    When you accomplish something you want to put off, reward yourself. Take a coffee or tea break, go to a movie, or eat at a restaurant you’ve been wanting to check out. Do whatever will make you feel good about overcoming the procrastination.

    You see, expressing gratitude isn’t only for things that have already happened. Being grateful for things that you want and expect to happen raises your vibration, and thereby helps you get the results you want.