Hi, We Finish 2023 and START 2024

I am writing this reflection and thinking to myself – it is interesting to see what I have to say next year on these.

As we involved over time, our perspectives get deeper and wider, with the same thing this year, next year we may learn one more layer of meaning. It is also interesting to go deeper into our blind spots or disempowering sides and then transcend them into possibilities, growth, and joy.

Thanks to everyone, everything, and life for giving us opportunities to deepen and expand different dimensions of life.


This reflection is to go to the ‘why’ I think I did what I did, and you can join me to reflect upon your 2023. When we can call clearly the why – the roots or the levels of beliefs, and identity – we don’t depend on what has happened but go beyond it and transcend to a new level of awareness, empowerment, growth, joy, and impact.


Habit 1: Setting the ‘keywords’ for the team development for the whole year – what works, what doesn’t work, and what’s next in 2024

Setting the ‘keywords’ for the whole year's development of the team helped us direct our whole year's activities. Our keywords are ‘total immersion’, ‘internationalization’, and ‘maturity’.

Our team is young and all of our projects are related to foreign partners and significant stakeholders in the ecosystem, like Ministries or World or UNESCO; so these keywords help us direct our experiences during the year to meet the requirements when working with these partners. We worked with 3 residents of experts coming from the USA this year, thanks to SwissEP; we also welcomed almost 10 different partners to visit our co-working space and interact with our startups. Our team, with people aged 20, works with people at the age of 50s, 60s, 70s. We also company our startups and trained coaches in Ho Chi Minh, Danang, Nghe An, Thanh Hoa, and Phu Tho; all to other countries: China (thanks to Dr Hung - RPMEC, MsC Thong – VKTech), Japan (thanks to our partner E-Future), Korea (thanks to Hanoi government, AIT Vietnam, BambuUP). We have spoken to audiences from more than 30 countries at different international events, thanks to Dr Vikas – University of Birmingham.

The other side of that is I fell too much into it, and the time spent on packaging our values and then commercializing it so little. This became addictive somehow in which I was not mindful enough when working with partners, thanks to their kindness to tolerate us. We did one event in Ho Chi Minh and I was not mindful regarding the logistics, thanks to our partner Thinkzone – ms Quynh, and our partner – SwissEP, ms Quynh Anh for supporting us during the event to provide the best experiences for the participants. Thanks to our team working hard during the trip @Hoang Linh, our SICer coming to support us, and @Chương DNES, and our team from home @Khanh Linh.

The habit of moving our physical body to trigger the changes in our mind after a long time of staying in one place during COVID-19 is useful and becomes more useful when the speed and the intensity of packaging and commercializing our values.

Thanks to 2023 for bringing us opportunities to do ‘total immersion’.

Habit toward 2024 to deepen our ‘total immersion’ experiences and effectiveness: prioritize time to package our values in the form of products/services to help others sustain our mission. Being mindful, and thinking through for all stakeholders to have the best experiences for everyone.

Habit 2: Co-creating challenges and co-creating solutions to overcome challenges – being grateful and being vulnerable

We often sat down together to clearly define each team member’s long-term, and short-term goals and how our work can help them achieve these goals along the way. We occasionally raised standards by having bigger challenges for each team member to develop their mindsets and skills.

Sitting one-to-one, sitting in a group, one project learned from the other project was helpful for 2023 – where we could cross-learn and update information in the team.

What was not effective was I fell too much in love with the idea of doing these to develop the team and not even on the biz aspect. This is rooted in my ‘obsession’ for personal development so I could create chances to challenge people to grow, and many activities didn’t directly move the biz forward.

The habit for 2024 would be: to harmonize the growth of the team and the business, knowing when to let go of the obsession to let the team grow, but speeding up the biz side.

In the coming part I would share about my lack of being mindful when it came to finance so we got challenges in finance for most of our projects this year. Thankfully, our team stayed and didn’t mind giving us a hand – such as investing or letting us delay the payment after finishing some projects. Being vulnerable, sharing challenges, and asking team members to be a part of the solution and then overcome with each other made our team closer. Thank you, team.

However, I knew, I sometimes went to the mode of quite relaxing and letting this situation happen again. The habit for 2024 is to not be so easy on me on this matter because my team and I would provide values that deserve abundance regarding finance, as you do.

The habit for 2024 would be: being determined to provide values in exchange for financial abundance.


Habit 3: Shifting the focus from insecure to gratitude and unity

Inner insecurity/fear of not being good or caring: when seeing people who are good or groundbreaking in what they do when they are young. Wow, this is 'big' and 'big' - I feel like I experience it from the perspective of being the one who 'creates that feeling' for those who are much older than me; and more poignantly, I am the one who feels that insecurity when encountering young 'warriors' who have extremely strong 'power'. I had a fleeting feeling and feeling of insecurity when I met these 'warriors' - and at that moment I realized that I still had the 'seed'/'root' of the 'seed' that was not good. The way you transform this seed is to focus on your values, know that you won't do it all, and be grateful that there are amazing people along your journey to continue your mission with you.

I am grateful that in recent years when I have been able to work with my team - including young people with great potential, I have forged a feeling of 'gratefulness' to replace 'insecurity'. Long-distance missions need dedicated and potential people to accompany us. I am grateful that my team often has young people accompanying me.

And for this habit of gratitude and appreciation to be sustainable, you need to separate yourself from expectations to avoid disappointment - because I believe you, you must do well or do it like this or like that. that. You need to consciously distinguish between expectations - believing, appreciating, creating a nurturing environment, and persevering with the 'speed' of each person on your team/young people born at a different time than you, maybe Your family background and childhood environment are different from yours.

Jen international team: At the beginning of the year, I had the experience of going from a customer to a member of the team. And I experienced the feeling of being a professional - switching to the biz. She has experienced that she is also confused with those two 'identities' within herself in her behavior as well as her orientation towards the biz.

In the new year, I continue to experience the journey of being a professional combining being a 'leader' and being in the biz, knowing how to let go when I need to let go, letting my colleagues do their best and take charge as best as possible. My confusion - many times has made my team confused - I can feel the contradiction and ask questions - what am I doing in the end?

By the end of the year, I had two new employees. You will also experience this feeling somewhere in your journey of working with me, but there has been improvement, because I also opened up to you, and invited Please help me in the journey of 'translating' and 'harmonizing' the two roles - to promote the benefits of the two roles as much as possible.

Habit 4: Appreciating everyone as your team helping you in your daily life or on the way of pursuing your dreams – especially your family

How can you harmonize with every person and everything you encounter each day as a team?

We get on a bus; the bus driver is our team. We get on a bus, and the passenger next to us is our team.

The big one is to make your family your ‘team’ of your mission.

We cannot choose where to be born but we could choose where to go, where to be re-born. We then have to appreciate our family and make them our ‘team’ on our way to achieving our mission.

This is the big one for myself and maybe you: feeling our family doesn’t get what we have tried doing? Maybe it is time to let your family become your ‘team’ of your mission.

Maybe you also have a dream to pursue or a goal to achieve, and your family doesn't fully understand your desire yet. Your family is important to you, so there are times when you feel the struggle between your passions and your family. Sometimes you may feel sad or feel like your family doesn't understand you. Your family may feel the same way.

Even though your family may not fully understand what your dream is, you know that your family wants you to be happy and successful and you want that too. Somewhere, you realize that you and your family share the same desire; It's just that there are different views on how to achieve that success and happiness. You want your family to feel more clearly about your desires and passions so that both you and your family will feel more understood and resonant with each other.

The following three ideas can help accompany us on our journey to realizing our life's passionate dream or mission with the co-creation of our family circle.

(1) The first idea is to realize that your family and you want the same thing as your success and happiness and acknowledge their care and love for you. And also realize that they have been through a life context that makes them see how to achieve success and happiness in a different way than they would like.

(2) The second idea is to create an environment where there is an opportunity to invite your family to feel what you do, for example, invite your family to your place of work or an event to meet your co-workers or invite co-workers to visit your family. It's important to invite colleagues who understand your passion and what you believe in and believe in you and your potential.

(3) The third idea is to act every day with gratitude towards your family who have given you life and love; and thank life for allowing you to define your passion. And from there, every day, take action and move towards your passion – to bring results into reality.

The only thing I have to watch out for in this aspect is to also sink into the concept of being okay with having family worried for too long. I used to rush myself, but now I felt I let myself stay in the stage of letting my family worry for long – as I somehow emerged them with my circles at work.

My habit for 2024 onward is to not be rushed but not too relaxed in the process of achieving my abundance when pursuing my passion, by reducing the number of things that don’t bring financial rewards or big impacts.

Habits for the new year to keep family as a ‘team’ of co-creating an extraordinary year:

  • Spending quality time with family: having a real talk, rather than just going home and not talking 

  • Having a deep conversation with each member: this is a challenging one, except for having it with my niece and nephew 

  • Sending empowering messages and images to family on the group chat: this is a good one and it has made me feel connected with family 

  • Facilitate the environment of family and my team coming together: it has been an effective one, having my team coming home and facilitating the energy with mum, dad, siblings, niece, and nephew 

  • Pass it on the energy to my niece and nephews by having the support of my team 

  • Facilitate a gathering team of a big family and small groups such as traveling or celebrating 

Wow, the challenging one is also the one that may bring the most juiceful things.



Habit 5: Being surrounded by people who challenge you to grow, uplift you, and want you to succeed and you want them to succeed

I have been grateful to be supported by communities to grow my mindset and skills over the journey.

With speaking and community leadership, thanks to Toastmasters.

With entrepreneurship, thanks to HEC.

Academic side, thanks to Vikas, Paivi, and Mika… Vikas has been always supportive and he told me …u have to make that impact with that level…u can and u will. And he is not standing outside of that spirit – he put his work to support me in making it happen …Sometimes u may confuse people’s energy…

With coaching, thanks to SIC. Our SICers have supported our activities with hearts and most importantly being great examples in what they do – leading what they do, SICer Chương, SICer Mới, SICer Hồng Mai, SICer Minh Phương, SICer Minh Vũ…

SIC has been the best gift ever I got during the challenging year 2021, thanks to our prof Trung Dung and Bro Tuan Hiep for letting me be a part of this creation.

SIC has also expanded to the Asia Pacific, setting up the very first mentoring coaching in innovation and entrepreneurship in the world with EMCC standards, thanks to everyone for continuing keeping keep it on.

Thanks to all of our seasonal mentors/coaches in the ecosystem to nurture SIC. We look forward to the 4 more cohorts to come, making our SIC family 100 SICers.

Some aspects that I had to change: sinking into doing more activities than needed. Most SICers are people taking important roles in their organizations, so the activities have to be selective and bring the best values possible, rather than just doing activities for the sake of doing it. Moreover, what I could do better on this is the commercialization side to help SICer make coaching as a career, as I am often sinking into the community aspect. Thanks to our SICers for pioneering this movement and making coaching a career – Minh Vũ and Minh Phương…

Habit to go in 2024, keep keeping on, being selective, valuable, and scaleable.

If you don’t have a social circle that helps you grow to the next level, create one! 

Habit 6: Intensive experience once a while for your physical and mental – remember the main reason for doing it

Do you maintain a habit – occasionally doing something much more intensely than you usually do to build endurance and focus? For example, every day you run 7-10km, and once a week you run 2 or 3 times that number. Or sometimes you join a running race or run 5 or even 10 times on your own. Or you regularly practice a certain skill, then you participate in some competition, to measure your development, learn from others and increase your persistence and focus.

I apply this habit to public speaking. I often participate in public speaking competitions - in the form of inspirational presentations since 2015 when I was in Malaysia. I remember when I quit my engineering job for the second time, to realize my passion for a career related to writing, coaching, training, and human development, I fell into crisis and depression, and at that time I won against a teacher. has long experience in the industry on the club circuit. After the club competition round, I went to the regional competition round, I was mentally overwhelmed, and instead of sharing messages to inspire, I was overwhelmed by the competition mentality. I always remember the words my teacher told me 'Jen, remember why you started sharing, from day one'. I remember that I wanted to share because that story and message are important, and certainly - participating in a competition - is like going to a race or competition, I will practice and from there I will have the most development. thinking and speaking skills.

I remember after winning three times at the national level in Vietnam for public speaking, I still took the exam, and sometimes wondered, why am I still taking the exam, am I trying too hard? Is the way I say it boring? Am I hindering the next generation? I even asked my teacher - my coach before registering for the exam.

Then I realized - those concerns also came from the 'psychology' of taking the exam...instead of coming from the mindset of practicing to get better - and focused on the message that needed to be shared because it was important.

I practice and continue to participate in competitions, like an athlete who practices running all year - going to running competitions to have a 'more concise', 'deeper' experience with more intensity; The same goes for public speaking. This year, I did not win the regional prize for presenting a 7-minute speech, but I won the regional championship prize in the Presentation Evaluation section. I learned a lot from not letting the schedule of other jobs be a barrier, and not letting the thought that I had experience make me not appreciate the opportunity or my teammates participating in the exam. I learn a lot from other teammates, and I understand more deeply that learning and practicing a certain skill is a life journey, every day, not a seasonal thing.


Habit 7: Make the power of imagination with positive emotions work for us

Wow, wow, wow, this is a big one, influencing much of what we have achieved and what I have not achieved.

In my case, I would see it in what I have not achieved – financial freedom because I didn’t invest time and positive emotions to visualize the impact of having money, I even had negative emotions about it.

On the other hand, the things I visualized with positive energy would often happen, not in the exact form but similar experiences.

For this particular year, 2023, the power of imagination with positive emotions worked well for me, more than I imagined.  At the beginning of the year, I visualized I would go to the skiing area – and it happened during my trip to Switzerland in March. I visualized we would do events in the co-working space made of ancient bricks – it happened during the event with the French embassy in Oct.

I visualized our team would do an open event in a hotel with a nice pool; and it happened during the event with NUS in Sept (even though at the beginning, it was supposed to happen in a normal hotel Zoom).

I visualized I would speak at conferences with many people from different countries, and this happened with bigger events such as the one with IOEM, bringing Vietnam to people from more than 30 countries.

I would visualize that I would run in nature, trail running, and it happened with the running 75km during Lamdong Trail in Nov.

Digging deeper into the impact of it on the financial aspect, if you have a similar challenge, we could use the power of imagination as a starting point for the coming abundant time. We cannot solve our problems with the same thinking we used when we created them. –Albert Einstein. And with the fact that I haven't 'raised' my frequency of thinking about 'finances', and maybe haven't even put 'finances' in my thought list/on my life's schedule like other things, and if did, with negative emotions of childhood that money made me not a great person. This made me encounter many difficulties with this part.

I haven't seriously set financial goals, and haven't seriously practiced financial tracking - like other areas in life such as health or developing thinking skills; Therefore, finance also does not 'work/cooperate' with me. Last year, the cash flow for the company and some of the team's projects was 'chaotic' - one of the weaknesses of startups - running out of cash flow/cash flow crisis.

I often use the excuse about my past related to not paying attention to finances. And last year, when it affected my team and relatives, I had another reason not to use it as an excuse anymore. I have had an unconscious shift related to finances over the past year, there may still be 'subtle' remnants, but I am ready to receive those 'subtle remnants', as a part of the journey to continue to 'regenerate' oneself, and to continue the mission.

Will you also join me in continuing to shift to the mindset of 'abundance' in terms of mental, physical, and financial health? For me, to do that in 2024 or the years to come is to thank and welcome 'money' as a good friend - someone who will come for the values ​​that I and my team give, and to create and spread together. Scaling that value to more people.

And we all deserve to have full financial and spiritual health, if we create value, appreciate our own and others' values, and happily give and receive.

Habit 8: Raise your ‘energy’, and ‘frequency’ – expanding to areas that you are not familiar with

As we walked on our path of being open and tuning in our intuition, we could know what to walk next. This year, I learned that different levels of self-awareness

What might stop this process is our fear of not knowing the new areas especially when we are good at what we are doing now. Another side effect is our doubts about what we have been doing and our values. To deal with it, we can learn to acknowledge our values and what other things have to offer to us…

This one is an area to discover more in 2024 and the year to come…But certainly, I would name some aspects of my behaviors when learning from the astrologist, especially the aspect of my love life that I tend to attract people that I had to save them…It also reflects in the working environment…this interesting topic, and I will dig deeper in 2024 to share more…

What is the field that you are not used to…that your intuition telling you that you need to expand to gain more perspectives on your main area? 

Habit 9: Pride of the nation and human being

Vietnam has much more than everything thinks.

By going to different countries this year, I felt proud again of my own country – Vietnam.

I also feel appreciated more by other countries and the unity of us.

The habit for 2024 on this is to embrace the pride of the nation and the unity of humanity.

Thinking about Vietnam, more than only thinking about agriculture, we can also think about passionate dedicated entrepreneurs who want to turn their hometown agriculture resources into high-valued products (e.g., ECOFA’s story).

Thinking about Vietnam, more than thinking about labor with repetitive work, we can think about dedicated scientists who want to create deep-tech or smart systems to replace repetitive work (Apicoo’s story).

Thinking about Vietnam, we can also acknowledge the rising dedicated dynamic young people...who want to do great things and can bring great value to national and international projects.

Thinking about Vietnam, we can also acknowledge THE COLLECTIVE - different stakeholders collectively work together to move their shared mission forward!

Habit 10: We are bigger than doubts or current limitations/situations

This lesson got deeper during the experience of attending a conference for managers/leaders with the topic ‘Leading Change’, organized by TLC and facilitated by a Harvard professor in Oct.

Fellow participants in the program and Jen learned about the 'case study' of a family company with a history of more than 10 years. We learned about the company's situation and positioned ourselves as successors to manage the company and systematize the methodology/theoretical model behind how this company handles the change.

At the end of the workshop, the professor summarized the change management process in the form of a diagram: the change journey from point A to point B is not a straight line; it will include ups and downs – from A to C (lower than B), and when we get to the low point – we will feel uneasy and will wonder if the decision to leave point A was right, and there may be tendency to return to point A – old ways of thinking and doing things; When we have faith and let ourselves keep going, everything will gradually become clearer and clearer.

At the end of the workshop, one of the company's successors, and also the current CEO, talked about the company's change journey.

He said after nearly a year in the context of internal family conflicts regarding the succession of the company, the company turned to a consulting company and found a solution to creating change. They have gone through nearly three years of revolutionizing the company's structure, human resources, and methods of doing things... and they have gone up and down many times, and many times wanted to return to the old point... many times. when they lost confidence in their initial decision... But in reality, they felt they had already left point A, there was no reason to turn back, so they just kept going...'

Also participating in the workshop was the founder of a startup company, ECOFA, supported by this family company and TLC (who organized the workshop). Exactly one year earlier, on October 19, the CEO of this family company together with the director of TLC visited ECOFA's raw material area. At that time, ECOFA had just started its startup journey, there were still many unclear points, and there was no sharpness in developing core products or business models... At that time, there were many unconvincing points to consider. Whether to invest or accompany ECOFA, one thing everyone could feel was the determination and commitment of the founding team.

Jen spoke to the CEO after more than a year of meeting the founder of ECOFA, about the change of Nam – founder of ECOFA; the CEO replied, 'I felt this a few months ago when I met Nam again, I saw that Nam might also go through ups and downs when determining what to do on this path, but I see Nam is going in the right direction... let's keep going...'

Last week, talking about the topic of change, ups, and downs, I heard an American actress and talk-show host - Jada Pinkett Smith talking about her feelings in an interview with Jay Shetty. She had just gone through a period of 'resurrection' from a 'suicidal' experience, despite having achieved great success according to society's definition. When asked about what she would do differently if she went back to the past so she wouldn't experience 'sad' and 'painful' times like the past, Jada went silent and then shared ‘good and bad experiences…that made me who I am today… seeing more clearly the parts of me…that I had not seen…

The CEO of the family company, the ECOFA founder, Jada Smith, has decided to change and improve/achieve his mission goals; they all go through ups and downs, and each downtime is a time when it can be easy to return to the 'old path', and it can also be a time to gain stronger momentum and experience wonderful things.

You and I will also be grateful for the moments of 'sadness, anxiety, loss of faith...?' - consider them a positive signal that we are moving out of our comfort zone. and if we continue…we move to a place where we are strong, profound, mature, and joyful…and we go on another journey to continue expanding our comfort zone – Expand our perspective and experience about ourselves, those around us, and life.


- Deciding to change comes from within.

- Thank you for the concerns and challenges along the journey.

- Wondering what 'this concern, this challenge...' teaches me about myself, the people around me and life.

- Do one thing to move forward.

- Thank you for moving on, and keep going.

- Walk with everyone.

- Be grateful every hour, every day, every week, every month, every year.

Thank you, Dr Ramesh, TLC, the family company, the CEO, and everyone participating in the program.

Habit 11: Love and Abundance

The desire to be loved, to love, to feel enough, and abundance, helps to nourish and strengthen the inner and collective strength within us, between us and those around us, and between us and the world.

During the journey of being born and growing up, we have the opportunity to choose and nurture the 'seeds' of thoughts, beliefs, actions, and behaviors - to realize our desires and needs to be loved and feel enough. The 'seeds' we choose may have positive, sustainable effects or not yet be positive and unsustainable.

--------------Jen’s story----------------

‘I appreciate you always being thankful, grateful, and kind to me; But I feel like, no matter what I do to show I care for you... it's not enough for you,' an ex-boyfriend once shared with Jen after more than 2 months of us getting to know each other.

That day was the day Jen came home from jogging, and Jen’s ex helped prepare a bottle of blended fruit juice for Jen. Jen was touched, and thanked; but also heard a small voice - 'this is normal, my sister cares about me ten thousand times more'.

That was one of the many times Jen fell into that feeling every time the boyfriend showed caring behavior to Jen - feeling grateful - then immediately feeling that this was normal - because Jen compared his care to Jen's sister's unconditional love and care. (Later on, Jen understood that by comparing and referring to Jen’s sister's love, Jen would feel better because even if Jen did not continue with him, Jen would not feel hurt).

Jen knows that little voice is an ‘ineffective friend’ in a relationship - Jen always said thank you to the ex-boyfriend, but somewhere, Jen felt the smoldering energy generated from that little voice – that ‘No matter what he does, it's not as good as Jen's sister unconditional love’... And Jen knew that that little voice came from a seed – already becoming an ancient tree of 'fear of not being enough' and 'fear of not being loved '.

After more than 2 months, the ex shared his feelings as the above, he would feel the invisible energy that Jen's 'little voice' created.

And at that time, there was a change in Jen’s 'subconscious, unconscious' level about 'the ancient tree’ of being not enough, afraid of not being loved'. Jen's body changed, there was a flow of energy moving through her body, making Jen feel relieved, feeling like a rock had been removed - the invisible, smoldering energy - the ‘ancient tree' that “I'm not enough, I'm afraid the hurt” has been named, recognized and 'uprooted'.

Thank you to my ex-boyfriend for calling me the 'friend who is 'afraid of not being enough, afraid of not being loved'.

Thank you to ‘the friend – the seed of being afraid of not being enough, afraid of not being loved' for being born and existing to protect Jen - to express Jen's desire and desire - of every human being in life - to be loved and appreciated. That helped Jen recognize that every one of us has good enough abilities and deserves to have a prosperous life.

Thank you to ‘the friend of being fear of not being enough, fear of not being loved' for signaling what are effective thoughts, behaviors, and behaviors to nurture the desires and needs in each of us - to be loved, to be felt enough and abundant.

----------------The story of a ‘coachee’ – Jen calls her Helen-----------

* The old way - 'old seeds’ to express Helen's desire to be loved and satisfied is short-term effective:

(1) play with boys, be nice as a boy with girls to be considered strong;

(2) do many things to be seen by everyone that Helen can do many things;

(3) choose to 'laugh' at challenging and contradictory situations to relieve fear and anxiety

*New way - 'new seeds’ to express Helen's desire to be loved and satisfied in a long-term, sustainable way:

(1) cherish each person as a human being - a soul worthy of respect, love, and care as well as oneself worthy of respect and love;

(2) care for people because they are worthy, and you are worthy;

(3) do important work and do her best because she is enough and worthy and that is her calling, mission, and ability

The story of a ‘coachee’ – Jen calls him Philip

* The old way - 'old seeds’ to express Philip's desire to be loved and satisfied is short-term effective:

(1) choosing to humble himself and 'pretending to be dumb' but still feeling unconvinced in his heart;

(2) choose to learn different programs to receive knowledge and experience to feel enough;

(3) choose to give away a lot to chase customers;

*New way - 'new seeds’ to express Philip's desire to be loved and satisfied in a long-term, sustainable way:

(1) be humble and appreciate the value of himself and everyone else - dare to share what he finds important with the mindset of sharing and contributing;

(2) based on what is important – important goals, select knowledge, take action, and look back to summarize the lessons, then share;

(3) determine the core values of himself and his business firmly; Give with a clear mind and certainty about his value

And you, will you join Jen, Helen, and Philip? to reflect on which ‘seeds’ you have chosen and nurtured to realize human nature's desire for 'love and abundance'?

Wishing you and us to appreciate what we have gone through, so that we can reflect and make the next choice - every day for ourselves - which seeds to nurture to realize our rights and needs in life. 

Habit 12: Being present

At around 3 pm yesterday, I was walking on the way from the lecture hall to the school gate, at National Economics University, in the cool autumn sunlight.

On the way, there were students also walking, some with umbrellas, and some without umbrellas.

While walking, I suddenly saw an umbrella covering my head, and a slim student was already walking next to me. She cheerfully said, 'Miss, come with me and my umbrella to avoid the sun'.

Feeling happy because of the student's kindness, I smiled and teased her, 'Thank you..., my skin couldn't be any darker. Do you also go to the school gate?'.

‘…Yes, we will go together,’ the girl said, smiling when hearing my joke.

'Do you have a phone number? My team will send you a book to thank you, I asked the girl.

'No need, my phone's not here...', the girl shyly said.

'Then maybe until one day we meet by chance’, I thanked the girl and said when I saw that she was shy about my somewhat sudden request.

The girl then greeted me and strode away quickly.

What do you feel about the story?

Feeling nice because of the kindness of the student? Yes, it is.

Thank to the girl, thank to all of us for nurturing and practicing kindness together, daily.

What else do you feel?

Something about my behavior?

I felt that I had ‘not fully enjoyed the kindness, but instead quickly wanted to send something back to thank the kindness. I recalled what a friend called it 'killing the kindness because of not fully enjoying it and wanting to give back right away while the give doesn’t need it, even feeling bothered about it'.

Jen chose to use a present (the book) rather than being the 'present' by being present 100%, enjoying the moment with the girl, walking with the girl, and feeling the surroundings. Proposing to take a friend's number to give a present made the student feel suddenly, and she walked away quickly. Somehow, the student is also worried when being asked about her phone number by a stranger.

I recently continued to learn the practice of receiving openly along with giving. Somehow, many times we are not fully allowing ourselves to enjoy 'fullness' and open our hearts to receive, 100% because maybe that is our best present to the giver.


Wishing you a meaningful week, giving with all your heart and receiving with all your heart!


How would you live the next ‘X’ years of your life? (X represents the number of years that you have lived till now).

This has been a big question over the last year for me, as I was in the process of writing my next book ‘RE-BIRTH’. 

The story of a little girl coming from the countryside wanting to open her mind and coming back to do something for Vietnam has shaped my life until now. Till I was 34 years old (last year, 2022), I started feeling the story had to be upgraded with the foundation of the 34 years of living. It is this year when I was 35 years old on paper, I was struggling with the ‘being reborn’ process. 

The solution for this is to complete it rather than make it great because we have moved on from it…It can be we are under that process and we can share this, we then can figure it out together. 

It was the reason for me to thrive since I was a kid. And the story I told myself for many years was rooted in my family. It is time to give back to family and the universe.

My family has had a hard time getting what I have been doing, and thankfully VYV1 has made the short movie to speak it out …the struggle of my family over the years of seeing me doing what we may call people development and empowerment.

I am grateful to my family for being that patient and dedicated…

I am grateful for my family to be my foundation, no matter what I do, or where I go, my family is still there for me, thank you dad, mum, sisters and brother, and relatives, thanks to my aunt and my younger sister who passed away - I have felt to live for them to deepen different dimensions of life.

Our new story is emerging! Exciting for it in 2024!



GRATITUDE to the collective

#SuperSunday #Gratitude


Last week, a delegation from Vietnam visited Korea. The delegation included different stakeholders of an ecosystem: the government (SCE-Hanoi Investment and Planning); the two organizers- AIT Vietnam, and BambuUP; and the representatives of 15 startups from different industries. We visited representatives of the startup ecosystem in Korea: 01 large enterprises and corporations, 02 investments, 03 growing startups, 05 entrepreneurial training experts, and 04 startup/development/acceleration support units.

(#MESSAGE 1) Open collaboration – being open to collaborate no matter how big or small you are:

#Story of Open Library, GLN International, Gangnam Global Village Center#

Open Library has financial, brand, and network support from STS Development. GLN International receives financial, brand, and network support from Hana Financial Group. Gangnam Global Village Center is sponsored by the government to realize its mission of helping foreigners in Korea.

"Instead of wondering ‘Who am I?’ when talking to big partners, you can shift the focus to ‘What value do I add to them? What the big company gets when collaborating with me" _ This was shared by Mr. Minh - Open Library.

(#MESSAGE 2) Entrepreneurial spirit and team:

#Story of Ourbox

The founder of Ourbox started his business at the age of over 50, after experiencing many leadership positions in multinational corporations. After more than 5 years, he and his team built Ourbox into one of 20 companies selected as 'pre-unicorn' in Korea.

‘I started my business when I was over 50 years old and was supported by amazing people who believed in the mission and me. So, I need to be more cautious than if I started my business at a young age like you guys. We all have the same denominator: trust what we do, and not let doubts kill our dreams. For you, at an early age, we need to let ourselves experience as much as possible, fail forward instead of wondering, and wait without action.' _Sharing from the founder of Ourbox

(#MESSAGE 3) National unity and pride:

#story of all of us #

All Korean Startups and components in the Korean ecosystem share their gratitude and pride in the Korean government's multi-dimensional support for innovative startup activities.

Vietnam can embrace the national pride and national spirit of the Vietnamese people to work together in the process of realizing the country's development goal based on an innovation-led economy.

(#MESSAGE 4) Choose to be kind, rather than be right

#story of the bus driver#

The bus driver welcomed us in Vietnamese 'Xin Chao. I love Vietnam'.

He learned to speak 'See you later' when we got out of the car and 'Come in please' in Vietnamese when we got into the car.

He didn't mind driving our friend a long way to get a lost item. He stood in the door, shook hands, and wished everyone a great coming back to Vietnam on our last day.

We didn't speak much in words with him but we would not forget how did he make us feel because of his kindness.


Thanks to everyone for making this journey happen!

Thanks to the representatives of the 15 startups for creating a diverse picture of the Vietnamese startup ecosystem AutoAgri, @Youth+, Rare, EJOY English, VVN AI, Nermen, Wiibike Vietnam, @tMonitor, Shecodes, Dimuadi, Mana.st straws, Moodsing, Outing, especially Apicoo Robotics (a startup incubated by Lab2Market - Bring Research to Life BK Holdings).

Thanks to the organizers BambuUP.com, AIT Vietnam and the sponsor SCE – Hanoi Investment and Planning for putting it together.

Thanks to all the partners in Korea for welcoming us and co-creating the growth of the next stage together.

Thanks to the bus driver, the tour guide for speaking our language to empathizing with us during the trip.

Thanks to each place we went to in Korea for making us feel home.

Thanks to life, for making us be a part of the masterpiece!




('Old home' is a metaphor for your past formed by thoughts, beliefs, habits...; 'new home' is a metaphor for your now and future with new thoughts, beliefs, and habits...)

If you have felt stuck in your 'old home' for long, maybe one of the reasons is you don't have your 'new home' or your 'new home' is not worthy enough to go to)

-------This is a conversation uncovering the feeling of wanting to get out of the 'old home' when not yet having a 'new home'------

Coachee: I often felt shut down

Jen: What does it look like? The feeling called ‘shut down’?

Coachee: I felt numbed and I couldn’t do anything

Jen: Would it be okay to not do anything for some time?

Coachee: Not really, as I shut down, I could lose 8 hours a day…

Jen: Would it be ok to lose the 8 hours a day sometimes…

Coachee: Not really, as once a week, it could happen 2-3 times, I could not do anything I have to do

Jen: You have felt that for how long?

Coachee: I have felt that for almost a year

Jen: So you have felt ‘shut down’ for a year, it made you lose lots of times, and you want to change it…Do you think it is time to change it now? Maybe it can be later…

Coachee: No, it has to be now, I don’t want to experience this anymore…

Jen: So, you decide to change it, could you describe it clearer – making it clear as a person standing in front of you…

Coachee: Wow, that feeling is like I am sinking in the memories, and I am just staying there, ‘swimming in there in a struggling way’.

Jen: What made it happen?

Coachee: Normally when there is a trigger, the trigger can be anything, can be a thought, can be an image, can be a word, can be a message…These triggers just draw me back to the past…I felt struggling in the water, trying to get on the shore…

Jen: Any interesting things when being with the water, sometimes we actually can swim, right?

Coachee: No, I don’t want that swim, I felt like struggling and I could drown if I stayed there, so I always tried to get on the shore…I felt difficult to breathe in the water…

Jen: So where do you go if you get out of that…

Coachee: Wow, …, I don’t think about it yet, just getting out of the water first… getting out of the ‘shutdown space’

Jen: Getting out to do what?

Coachee: To do what I need to do…

Jen: The thing you need to do is exciting enough to make you need to get out of the water?

Coachee: Not yet, mostly like something I have to do because it is as a pressure…

Jen: So why do you need to get out then…when it is not that exciting…

Coachee: Wow, I have to get out anyway…I think I would make it exciting and worthwhile to make me get out of the water…I

have a reason to do so…I experienced it before, the time when I had a strong reason to do something

Jen: So the ‘shutdown space – inside the water part’ is like an ‘old home’ and it is so familiar to you…But your ‘new home’ is not yet built, is not yet exciting, you even get on the water, you don’t

know where to go yet…

Coachee: Wow, I will build it clearly and

make it vivid and exciting …Let me make a plan for it now…


Wish us to enjoy the now, being pulled by an

exciting future that we all deserve!


'You are the most beautiful when you are your true self'.


When we are true to ourselves, we will experience:


FROM trying to be liked by everyone, TO focusing on nurturing our values and adding value to others.


FROM blaming

TO learning and appreciating.


FROM being scared of feedback

TO acknowledging the feelings, maybe not being right but to express what we think and believe, to connect better.


FROM comparing ourselves with others to disparage ourselves or others

TO learning, collaborating and respecting each person's values and their choices.


FROM feeling small when we are around people who are more successful than us (by society's standards).

TO feeling grateful for the opportunity to meet people who are successful in their way, and regularly seeking to expand our network to connect with successful people and learn from them. And we also regularly promote the deepening of the relationships in the current network.


FROM giving up because of poor short-term results and using short-term results to decide on long-term vision and goals.

TO not letting temporary setbacks determine the potential of life's long-term goals, re-focusing on what matters to decide on the next moves.


Love has the power to heal and connect us? (because we are all connected). Love for others makes us feel peaceful, and joyful and creates that same feeling for those around us.

Yesterday, I sat on the white sand beach, under the sunset, witnessing two talented and influential friends of Vietnam's startup ecosystem getting married. Immersing myself in the inspiring story of the two friends, along with their family, I cried, smiled, and felt loved.

I have that similar feeling every time I call my German friend and his wife - their true love radiates to me, even though we are talking online.

I have that feeling every day when I appreciate my sister's text asking me what I'm doing and if I'm okay.

I have that feeling every time our team sits down and gives each other words of gratitude.

Love – a generous spirit - is beautiful and powerful, isn’t it?

We always have the desire to love and be loved, whether we acknowledge it or not, or to what extent we recognize it. Some people may see loving or expressing love as weak, but we know that some people express love, and it makes them stronger. Maybe we experience moments of love that make us stronger.

We often let the two good things 'love' and 'strength' become in conflict with each other, while it is more about how we perceive and give meaning to those two good things. Maybe, for “strength”, substitute “independence”. That’s a great thing but we still need each other!

We have many mechanisms to cultivate our desire to love and be loved, which can be in the form of positive or less positive behaviors/habits. If we see the source of all the behaviors/habits as ‘love’, we know that love is the main thing. Behaviours/habits are just means of expressing the desire to love and be loved. We then will be free from that means, and can choose new, more effective means.

• In a family context, I know a talented girl who received a full scholarship to study abroad and then suffered from depression. The little girl explained that she was struggling, between being grateful to her parents for their efforts to give her the best future, but on the other hand, not letting her live up to her dreams. Every time she heard her parents' voices, she wanted to be fully independent, going far away, without having to depend on her parents - without having to listen to their insistent advice.

Both sides started from love but expressed it differently. When the mother reconnects with what matters – the love for her child, not imposing her will on the child; she lets herself try a new way of expressing love. Letting go, listening to her, and letting her be the one to decide on her life. Then she felt that she was able to regain connection with her child.

• I met a mentee last week, a beautiful, cheerful, strong girl - a business owner who has businesses with revenue in the top 30 in the industry, and she is loved and respected by people in the industry. She acknowledges that she is a strong person, and she also acknowledges that she wants to have a great relationship where she can love and be loved.

She had got into thinking that few people in this world matched her criteria of an ideal boyfriend – having integrity and honesty. This habit is a way for her to protect herself from being hurt if the other person doesn't love her. It means that the criteria just confirm the importance of being loved by her.

So instead of focusing on the means – the criteria - her focus should be to nurture and spread 'love'.

If she continues to focus on the criteria - on the means to express love, without going from the root of a sincere desire to love, she will receive 'fruits' on the 'surface', not the 'root' part associated with love. For example, someone may use their words or behaviors to demonstrate integrity or loyalty, but it may not come from a place of sincere love within. Thus, she needs to change her positioning and the starting point is from love and then combine it with factors - criteria - to be able to connect with someone who also comes from sincere love.

• I also used to think that being in a relationship would affect my mission, so in all my previous relationships, I always told the guys, ‘You will be number two, and number one is the mission'. I was aware that I said this to prevent a relationship from forming, because I was afraid the relationship wouldn’t go well, or I couldn’t handle emotions in love that would affect my work or if I was so into work, I would not be fully in love. The new way of saying it would be, ‘I want to love and be loved, and I want the guy to appreciate the mission - because it is an important part of my life, I will also do the same for him’. As a great example, I experienced one relationship where I felt my career flourished when I had someone who loved and understood my career.

• In work, when you see that your team has not done as promised to you or themselves, you are sad, which is also a sign that you consider it associated with not being able to keep your promise, not being appreciated, not being appreciated, or loved. And then, you know that your desire or the value you aim for is respect and love; and your team's behavior or work performance does not reflect the fact that you are unloved or unappreciated. You are free from the inference or story created by your thoughts.

If we look at it from that perspective, everything comes from our desire to love and be loved.

Every time you are sad, send a word of love to someone and yourself.

Every time you are angry, send a word of love to someone and yourself.

Can love be the path to healing and connecting us together?



#SuperSunday #Notes

As a child, when my mother punished me for not doing my homework, and put me out to stand on the street at night, that 'little girl' decided to be absolutely independent - deciding for herself what to study, what to do, what to create…

And when many people around me doubted my plans for 'studying engineering or 'going abroad' or ‘creating my own projects/programs’, I formed the habit of always challenging the external voices, the social norms of society, and even some best practices of some areas in life. I also trained myself to be absolutely independent, to do everything myself.

Absolute independence, believing in what is possible or what I really want, despite outside doubts, has helped me achieve some things that were 'impossible' in the place where I was born, or a number of things that seem to be the limits of a countryside kid.

From another perspective, being absolutely independent, and challenging what is outside, sometimes harms me. I don't regret it, but when I see it happening again, I wonder 'What's important here?': doing the opposite of the social norm is important or what is best for the ‘most important thing – the mission’ is important. I gradually learned how to harmonize with listening to myself and what is out there in the universe to create the most harmonious music for my 'mission' journey. I gradually practiced immersing myself in the feeling of 'interdependence' and 'unity' - connection and harmony with each other.

Through my recent experience of trail running, I have been able to see more clearly the perspectives of absolute independence, challenging things outside, and harmony with each other.

This week, I participated in a 75km trail in Lam Dong Da Lat, with the highest elevation of more than 1900m. Even though I had not participated in the trail before and had no trail equipment to accompany me (other than the fact that I exercised every day since childhood), I believe in one’s physical strength. Before I left, a friend who had done a lot of trail running offered me some trail gear and he lent me a water and food bag.

I relied on my years of sports training and regular climbing but was not prepared for 75km – no gears, no light, no sticks, no water bag. Before the day of running, a trail coach told me about his similar experience. He thought that he was strong because of daily exercise, so the first time he ran the trail, he did not prepare properly, including not preparing his gear carefully. And the person who went at the same pace as him on the flat road, with the stick, went ahead during the uphill part and crossed the finish line 15 minutes before him.

After this experience, he allowed himself to learn how to use poles and other climbing techniques, in addition to 'relying on his health'. He has improved his results significantly in other climbs, and most importantly, he finds that his body is healthier and more sustainable when combining science and listening to his body.

There is a small voice inside me, each profession has 'best practices' - lessons/techniques/notes summarized by humanity, I can learn to add tools - combined with belief in myself. Before the race, I listened to what the coaches had to say about what to pay attention to when trail running different distances. I applied it and I found that my body felt refreshed and could still function after running, instead of 'overusing' my body so that it would be 'paralyzed' after 75km of running.

The first stage of self-control is always challenging surrounding theories, and absolutely believing in the power of belief in human potential.

Another stage then is – to inherit the best of what humanity has gathered, without needing to 're-invent the wheel', and devote oneself to what is the true value of oneself, while still applying the power of belief in human potential. It is exciting to experience the stage of independence coming with interdependence and unity.

No matter what stage you are at, I believe it is a stepping stone to the next experiences if you let yourself regularly look back at what is really important - and let that important thing be the guide for action. And knowing that, you are not alone, we are together!

Have a great united week!



Hồi bé, khi Jen được mẹ phạt không làm bài tập về nhà, ra đứng đường vào đêm tối, ‘cô bé’ Jen lúc đó đã quyết định sẽ tự lập tuyệt đối – tự quyết định học gì, làm gì, kiến tạo gì…

Và khi được nhiều người xung quanh sẽ nghi ngờ về các dự định của mình ‘học Bách Khoa’ hay ‘đi nước ngoài’ hay tự tạo các dự án/chương trình, mình đã hình thành thói quen luôn thách thức lại những tiếng nói ở bên ngoài, những phong tục tập quán, hay cả những bài học thực tiễn được đúc kết trong một số lĩnh vực của cuộc sống. Tôi cũng rèn cho mình sự tự lập tuyệt đối, tự làm mọi việc.

Việc tự lập tuyệt đối, tin vào những gì có thể hay mình thực sự muốn, dù có sự nghi ngại từ bên ngoài, đã giúp tôi đạt được một số những điều ‘tưởng như không thể’ ở nơi tôi sinh ra, hay một số những điều tưởng là giới hạn của ‘cô bé đến từ vùng quê’.

Ở một góc độ khác, việc tự lập tuyệt đối, thách thức lại những gì ở ngoài, cũng thỉnh thoảng làm tổn hại tôi. Tôi không tiếc nuối, nhưng khi thấy việc đó lặp lại, tôi tự hỏi ‘điều gì quan trọng ở đây?’: làm ngược lại những gì ở ngoài kia là quan trọng, hay điều gì tốt nhất cho ‘điều quan trọng nhất – sứ mệnh’ là quan trọng. Tôi dần dần học được cách để hòa hợp với lắng nghe bản thân và những gì ở ngoài vũ trụ để tạo bản nhạc hòa hợp nhất cho hành trình ‘thực hiện sứ mệnh’ của mình. Tôi dần dần được thực hành hòa mình vào cảm giác ‘interdependecne’ và ‘unity’ – kết nối và hòa hợp với nhau.

Trải nghiệm đi chạy trail gần đây, tôi được nhìn rõ hơn những góc độ của sự tự lập tuyệt đối, thách thức những điều bên ngoài, và sự hòa hợp cùng nhau.

Tuần này, mình tham gia trail 75km ở Lâm Đồng Đà Lạt, với độ cao nhất hơn 1900m, dù chưa tham gia trail trước đó, và không có vận dụng trail đi cùng (ngoài việc mình tập thể dục hàng ngày từ bé, mình tin vào thể lực của mình). Trước khi mình đi, một người bạn đã chạy trail nhiều đã bảo có mượn đồ trail không và bạn cho mình mượn túi đựng nước và đồ ăn. Mình cũng không định mang nước đi trên đường vì có nhiều trạm tiếp nước và đồ ăn, và mình hay có thói quen tập một lèo rồi uống nước.

Mình đã tin vào việc rèn luyện thể thao nhiều năm và việc leo núi thường xuyên của mình và không chuẩn bị cho 75km – không có đèn, không có gậy, không có bình đựng nước hay đồ uống.. và trong bối cảnh mình đang chữa trị gan. Trước hôm chạy, mình có nghe anh huấn luyện viên trail chia sẻ lại trải nghiệm tương tự của anh, nghĩ rằng mình khỏe, có thể lực nên lần đầu chạy trail đã không chuẩn bị kỹ, trong đó không chuẩn bị kỹ đồ, cụ thể không có gậy. Và người đi cùng anh, đi cùng tốc độ với anh khi ở đường bình thường, nhưng khi ở mỗi đoạn dốc cao, với cây gậy, bạn ý đã đi trước và cán đích trước anh 15 phút.

Sau trải nghiệm này, anh cho phép mình học cách dùng gậy và các kỹ thuật leo núi khác, ngoài việc ‘cậy sức khỏe’ của mình. Anh đã cải thiện kết quả đáng kể trong các lần leo núi khác, và quan trọng anh thấy cơ thể được khỏe mạnh bền vững hơn khi kết hợp cả khoa học và lắng nghe cơ thể.

Trong mình cũng có một tiếng nói nhỏ, mỗi nghề có ‘best practices’ – những bài học/kỹ thuật/chú ý được đúc kết bởi nhân loại, mình có thể học để thêm công cụ – kết hợp với niềm tin vào bản thân. Mình đã cho mình lắng nghe chia sẻ của các huấn luyện viên trước ngày chạy về các chú ý khi chạy trail các cự ly, tùy vào thời lượng định hoàn thành để chuẩn bị nước/thức ăn bổ trợ. Mình áp dụng và mình thấy cơ thể sảng khoái vẫn có thể vận hành sau khi chạy, thay vì ‘lạm dụng’ cơ thể quá mức để sẽ ‘tê liệt’ sau 75km chạy (trong bối cảnh mình đang chữa gan). Mình chạy lâu hơn 2 tiếng so với dự định, và trong top 12 nữ.

Nhưng mình cũng tin vào việc lắng nghe cơ thể… ở đây có một việc là tuyệt đối lắng nghe cơ thể - kết hợp với những best practices…

Giai đoạn đầu của tự chủ - luôn thách thức những lý thuyết xung quanh, và tuyệt đối tin vào sức mạnh của niềm tin và tiềm năng con người.

Một khía cạnh khác của tự chủ sau đó là – sẽ kế thừa những gì tốt đẹp nhất của nhân loại đã đúc kết, không cần ‘re-invent the wheel’, và dành tâm sức cho những gì giá trị mới, trong khi vẫn vận dụng sức mạnh của niềm tin và tiềm năng con người.

Bạn có cảm giác trên? Bạn có thấy những góc cạnh của sự tự lập tuyệt đối? Bạn đang trải nghiệm giai đoạn nào?

Dù bạn đang ở giai đoạn nào, mình tin đó là một bước đệm cho những trải nghiệm tiếp theo, nếu bạn cho mình thường xuyên nhìn lại điều gì thực sự quan trọng – và để điều quan trọng đó làm kim chỉ nam cho hành động quan trọng của bạn! Và biết rằng, bạn không một mình, chúng ta cùng trải nghiệm hành trình…

Một tuần tuyệt vời cho chúng ta!



#SuperSunday #Notes

At around 3 pm yesterday, I was walking on the way from the lecture hall to the school gate, at National Economics University, in the cool autumn sunlight.

On the way, there were students also walking, some with umbrellas, and some without umbrellas.

While walking, I suddenly saw an umbrella covering my head, and a slim student was already walking next to me. She cheerfully said, 'Miss, come with me and my umbrella to avoid the sun'.

Feeling happy because of the student's kindness, I smiled and teased her, 'Thank you..., my skin couldn't be any darker. Do you also go to the school gate?'.

‘…Yes, we will go together,’ the girl said, smiling when hearing my joke.

'Do you have a phone number? My team will send you a book to thank you, I asked the girl.

'No need, my phone's not here...', the girl shyly said.

'Then maybe until one day we meet by chance’, I thanked the girl and said when I saw that she was shy about my somewhat sudden request.

The girl then greeted me and strode away quickly.


What do you feel about the story?

Feeling nice because of the kindness of the student? Yes, it is.

Thank to the girl, thank to all of us for nurturing and practicing kindness together, daily.

What else do you feel?

Something about my behavior?

I felt that I had ‘not fully enjoyed the kindness, but instead quickly wanted to send something back to thank the kindness. I recalled what a friend called it 'killing the kindness because of not fully enjoying it and wanting to give back right away while the give doesn’t need it, even feeling bothered about it'.

Jen chose to use a present (the book) rather than being the 'present' by being present 100%, enjoying the moment with the girl, walking with the girl, and feeling the surroundings. Proposing to take a friend's number to give a present made the student feel suddenly, and she walked away quickly. Somehow, the student is also worried when being asked about her phone number by a stranger.

I recently continued to learn the practice of receiving openly along with giving. Somehow, many times we are not fully allowing ourselves to enjoy 'fullness' and open our hearts to receive, 100% because maybe that is our best present to the giver.


Wishing you a meaningful week, giving with all your heart and receiving with all your heart!

Wish our team Lien Ecofa Huong Hoang Đinh Hoàng Hiệp a great week!



#SuperSunday #Notes


Jen đang đi trên đường từ giảng đường ra cổng trường, trường Đại học kinh tế quốc dân, trong nắng mùa thu dịu mát lúc tầm 3 giờ chiều.

Trên đường, có những bạn sinh viên cũng đang đi bộ ra ngoài cổng trường, có bạn che ô, có bạn không che ô.

Đang đi, Jen bỗng thây một chiếc ô che trên đầu mình, và một bạn sinh viên dong dỏng người đã ở bên cạnh, bạn hồ hởi nói ‘Cô, cùng đi với em cho đỡ nắng’.

Một cảm giác vui vì cử chỉ tốt của bạn sinh viên, Jen cười và trêu bạn ‘Cảm ơn em…, da chị không đen được hơn rồi. Em cũng đi ra cổng trường?’.

‘…Vâng, hai chị em mình cùng đi’, cô bé cười và nói.

‘Em có số điện thoại không, team chị gửi sách cảm ơn em’, Jen hỏi cô bé.

‘Không cần chị nhé, điện thoại em không ở đây…’, cô bé ngại ngùng.

‘Vậy hẹn em một dịp tình cờ khác nhé’, Jen cảm ơn cô bé và nói khi thấy cô bé ngại ngùng về đề nghị hơi đột ngột của Jen.

Cô bé sau đó chào Jen và sải bước đi nhanh.


Câu chuyện cho bạn cảm nhận về điều gì?

Về lòng tốt của cô sinh viên, vâng. Những cử chỉ tốt xung quanh chúng ta, mỗi ngày. Cảm ơn bạn sinh viên, cảm ơn chúng ta nuôi dưỡng và thực hành sự tử tế ‘kindness’ cùng nhau.

Jen cũng cảm nhận một điều nữa - việc Jen đã ‘chưa tận hưởng lòng tốt một cách trọn vẹn, thay vào đó đã nhanh chóng muốn gửi lại một điều gì đó để cảm ơn lòng tốt đó, dù người cho không cần và có khi làm người cho cảm thấy không thoải mái’. Jen nhớ lại một người bạn đã từng gọi đó là ‘killing the kindnness – ‘giết chết’ lòng tốt vì chưa tận hưởng trọn vẹn’.

Jen đã chọn là dùng một món quà (cuốn sách) để cảm ơn bạn sinh viên, thay vì là món quà - ở đó 100% tận hưởng khoảnh khắc với bạn sinh viên, đi cùng bạn và cảm nhận không gian xung quanh cùng bạn. Việc đề xuất lấy số bạn để tặng quà khiến bạn sinh viên cảm thấy đột ngột, và sải bước đi nhanh. Ở đâu đó, bạn sinh viên cũng có sự cảnh giác khi được hỏi thông tin bởi người lạ.

Jen gần đây tiếp tục học thực hành đón nhận’ đi cùng cho đi. Đâu đó, chúng ta nhiều lúc đang chưa hoàn toàn cho phép mình tận hưởng sự ‘đầy đủ’ và mở lòng đón nhận, 100%, bởi vì có thể đó là món quà tốt nhất của chúng ta với người cho.


Chúc bạn một tuần ý nghĩa, cho đi hết mình, đón nhận hết mình!



#with Jada...and#

Last week, Jen attended a conference for managers/leaders with the topic ‘Leading Change’, organized by TLC and faciliated by a Harvard professor.

Fellow participants in the program and Jen learned about the 'case study' of a family company with a history of more than 10 years. We learned about the company's situation, and positioned ourselves as successors to manage the company, and systematize the methodology/theoretical model behind how this company handles the change.

At the end of the workshop, the professor summarized the change management process in the form of a diagram: the change journey from point A to point B is not a straight line; it will include ups and downs – from A to C (lower than B), and when we get to the low point – we will feel uneasy and will wonder if the decision to leave point A was right, and there may be tendency to return to point A – old ways of thinking and doing things; When we have faith and let ourselves keep going, everything will gradually become clearer and clearer.

At the end of the workshop, one of the company's successors, and also the current CEO, talked about the company's change journey.

He said after nearly a year in the context of internal family conflicts regarding the succession of the company, the company turned to a consulting company and found a solution to creating change. They have gone through nearly three years of revolutionizing the company's structure, human resources, methods of doing things... and they have gone up and down many times, and many times wanted to return to the old point... many times. when they lost confidence in their initial decision... But in reality, they felt they had already left point A, there was no reason to turn back, so they just kept going...'

Also participating in the workshop was the founder of a startup company, ECOFA, supported by this family company and TLC (who organized the workshop). Exactly one year earlier, on October 19, the CEO of this family company together with the director of TLC visited ECOFA's raw material area. At that time, ECOFA had just started its startup journey, there were still many unclear points, there was no sharpness in developing core products or business models... At that time, there were many unconvincing points to consider. Whether to invest or accompany ECOFA, but one thing everyone could feel was the determination and commitment of the founding team.

Jen spoke to the CEO after more than a year of meeting the founder of ECOFA, about the change of Nam – the founder of ECOFA; the CEO replied, 'I felt this a few months ago when I met Nam again, I saw that Nam might also go through ups and downs when determining what to do on this path, but I see Nam is going in the right direction... let's keep going...'

Last week, talking about the topic of change, ups and downs, I heard an American actress and talk-show host - Jada Pinkett Smith talking about her feelings in an interview with Jay Shetty. She had just gone through a period of 'resurrection' from a 'suicidal' experience, despite having achieved great success according to society's definition. And when asked about what she would do differently if she went back to the past so she wouldn't experience 'sad' and 'painful' times like the past, Jada went silent and then shared ‘good and bad experiences…that made me who I am today… seeing more clearly the parts of me…that I had not seen’…

The CEO of the family company, the ECOFA founder, Jada Smith, has decided to change and improve/achieve his mission goals; and they all go through ups and downs, and each downtime is a time when it can be easy to return to the 'old path', and it can also be a time to gain stronger momentum and experience wonderful things.

You and I will also be grateful for the moments of 'sadness, anxiety, loss of faith...?' - consider them a positive signal that we are moving out of the comfort zone? and if we continue…we move to a place where we are strong, profound, mature, and joyful…and we go on another journey to continue expanding our comfort zone – Expand your perspective and experience about yourself, those around you, and life.


- Deciding to change comes from within.

- Thank you for the concerns and challenges along the journey.

- Wondering what 'this concern, this challenge...' teaches me about myself, the people around me and life.

- Do one thing to move forward.

- Thank you for moving on, and keep going.

- Walk with everyone.

- Be grateful every hour, every day, every week, every month, every year.

Thank you Dr Ramesh, TLC, the family company, the CEO, and everyone participating in the program.

Thank you team at the hotel for your thoughtful support.

Thank you team for participating in the journey of 'change'.

Thank life for allowing us to experience different aspects of ourselves, people and life.

Thank you for reading together.



This year, The UK Embassy and Chevening scholars continue to participate in the dragon boat competition.

The dragon boat has one drummer sitting at the front, one driver at the back, and 10 people sitting in five rows in the boat.

We act in harmony and together, not only between the drummer - the rowers - and the boatman.

But also with the capability of ourselves, and with nature – water, wind….

In 2019, we attended the competition, we didn't win.

In 2022, we continued attending the competition, we became more harmonized, and we won a prize.

In 2023, we continued attending the competition, we became more harmonized, and we won the same prize as the previous year.

In 2024...and more, we will continue attending the competition, and we may or may not get higher prizes, but for sure we will get more harmonized.

Harmony is a journey...

Harmony with our ability, with others, with nature...



Thanks to the buffalo

Thanks to the field

Thanks to the sky

Thanks to all the challenging and exciting childhood

Thanks to all the negative and positive feelings

Thanks to all the disempowering and empowering beliefs

Thanks to all the disempowering and empowering habits

Thanks to all the people who come and go into our lives

Thanks to all the mistakes and achievements

Thanks to all the past and coming challenges

Thanks to life - we can wake up each day with choices of consuming and producing, fears and love, blame and appreciation, destroying and creating, getting and giving...

All in all, we can make a choice of daring to live a life that we deserve and truly feel alive.

Thank you and love us ❤️



Last week, Jen asked a dear friend who has had great achievements and intensive experiences in business and life, about his favorite lesson during his experiences in life particularly love (let’s call him Mike).
Jen: What is the most important thing that you have learned about yourself and love during your relationships?
Mike: I learned an aspect of love – that I didn't feel fully before – in my 13-year relationship. But I didn’t learn that aspect until the relationship ended.
Jen: …(silence waiting for the friend to continue…)
Mike: After ending this relationship, it took me almost a year to get back to normal.
I then met a Brazilian woman on a trip to Brazil…She and I attended a business meeting. I liked her voice and energy, so I asked my friend (a compatriot of hers who was sitting next to me) for her number. He told me, “You know, she also asked for your contact number”. I saw that as a great sign.
Jen: You both experienced each other's energy?
Mike: That's right.
Jen: And then?
Mike: I invited her for lunch the next day, and we talked for hours. And our relationship warmed for the two remaining weeks of my visit. On my last day, I told her that I wanted to take her back to the USA with me, for a two-week trip. I also made a joke by sending her a full schedule in Excel of what we would do together, especially the “just the two of us together”. (laugh)
Jen: How interesting and sweet for you to send the Excel document about the plan...(laughs).
Mike: Yes, and then she also did the sweet thing, she sent me back feedback about the plan – with even more times of, “just the two of us together” … (laugh). That time, I learned what I had missed in my earlier relationship – the giving and receiving, the appreciation of every action between two people in the relationship, and the giving and receiving in both directions.'
Thanks to Mike for sharing the love lesson❤ Thanks to Mike's and our relationships either in a long time or short time, for giving Mike and us different dimensions of ourselves, love and life.

A fulfilled, loving week for all of us, both receiving and giving❤.




The desire to be loved, to love, to feel enough, and abundance, helps to nourish and strengthen the inner and collective strength within us, between us and those around us, and between us and the world.

During the journey of being born and growing up, we have the opportunity to choose and nurture the 'seeds' of thoughts, beliefs, actions, and behaviors - to realize our desires and needs to be loved and feel enough. The 'seeds' we choose may have positive, sustainable effects or not yet be positive and unsustainable.

I am grateful to have experienced my own journey and the stories of the 'coachees' who have called out names - 'the not yet sustainable effective seeds’ to start a shared journey with new sustainable effective seeds for our lifelong journey of giving love and giving abundance.

---Jen's story---

‘I appreciate you always being thankful, grateful, and kind to me; But I feel like, no matter what I do to show I care for you... it's not enough for you,' an ex-boyfriend once shared with Jen after more than 2 months of us getting to know each other.

That day was the day Jen came home from jogging, and Jen’s ex helped prepare a bottle of blended fruit juice for Jen. Jen was touched, and thanked; but also heard a small voice - 'this is normal, my sister cares about me ten thousand times more'.

That was one of the many times Jen fell into that feeling every time the boyfriend showed caring behavior to Jen - feeling grateful - then immediately feeling that this was normal - because Jen compared his care to Jen's sister's unconditional love and care. (Later on, Jen understood that by comparing and referring to Jen’s sister's love, Jen would feel better because even if Jen did not continue with him, Jen would not feel hurt).

Jen knows that little voice is an ‘ineffective friend’ in a relationship - Jen always said thank you to the ex-boyfriend, but somewhere, Jen felt the smoldering energy generated from that little voice – that ‘No matter what he does, it's not as good as Jen's sister unconditional love’... And Jen knew that that little voice came from a seed – already becoming an ancient tree of 'fear of not being enough' and 'fear of not being loved '.

After more than 2 months, the ex shared his feelings as the above, he would feel the invisible energy that Jen's 'little voice' created.

And at that time, there was a change in Jen’s 'subconscious, unconscious' level about 'the ancient tree’ of being not enough, afraid of not being loved'. Jen's body changed, there was a flow of energy moving through her body, making Jen feel relieved, feeling like a rock had been removed - the invisible, smoldering energy - the ‘ancient tree' that “I'm not enough, I'm afraid the hurt” has been named, recognized and 'uprooted'.

Thank you to my ex-boyfriend for calling me the 'friend who is 'afraid of not being enough, afraid of not being loved'.

Thank you to ‘the friend – the seed of being afraid of not being enough, afraid of not being loved' for being born and existing to protect Jen - to express Jen's desire and desire - of every human being in life - to be loved and appreciated. That helped Jen recognize that every one of us has good enough abilities and deserves to have a prosperous life.

Thank you to ‘the friend of being fear of not being enough, fear of not being loved' for signaling what are effective thoughts, behaviors, and behaviors to nurture the desires and needs in each of us - to be loved, to be felt enough and abundant.

---the story of two 'coachees'---LOVE & ABUNDANCE

The story of a ‘coachee’ – Jen calls her Helen

* The old way - 'old seeds’ to express Helen's desire to be loved and satisfied is short-term effective:

(1) play with boys, be nice as a boy with girls to be considered strong;

(2) do many things to be seen by everyone that Helen can do many things;

(3) choose to 'laugh' at challenging and contradictory situations to relieve fear and anxiety

*New way - 'new seeds’ to express Helen's desire to be loved and satisfied in a long-term, sustainable way:

(1) cherish each person as a human being - a soul worthy of respect, love, and care as well as oneself worthy of respect and love;

(2) care for people because they are worthy, and you are worthy;

(3) do important work and do her best because she is enough and worthy and that is her calling, mission, and ability

The story of a ‘coachee’ – Jen calls him Philip

* The old way - 'old seeds’ to express Philip's desire to be loved and satisfied is short-term effective:

(1) choosing to humble himself and 'pretending to be dumb' but still feeling unconvinced in his heart;

(2) choose to learn different programs to receive knowledge and experience to feel enough;

(3) choose to give away a lot to chase customers;

*New way - 'new seeds’ to express Philip's desire to be loved and satisfied in a long-term, sustainable way:

(1) be humble and appreciate the value of himself and everyone else - dare to share what he finds important with the mindset of sharing and contributing;

(2) based on what is important – important goals, select knowledge, take action, and look back to summarize the lessons, then share;

(3) determine the core values of himself and his business firmly; Give with a clear mind and certainty about his value

And you, will you join Jen, Helen, and Philip? to reflect on which ‘seeds’ you have chosen and nurtured to realize human nature's desire for 'love and abundance'?

Wishing you and us to appreciate what we have gone through, so that we can reflect and make the next choice - every day for ourselves - which seeds to nurture to realize our rights and needs in life.

We co-create a great week



Khát khao được yêu được bày tỏ tình yêu được cảm giác đủ giúp nuôi dưỡng thúc đẩy sức mạnh nội tại và tổng thể trong chúng ta, giữa chúng ta và những người xung quanh, giữa chúng ta và thế giới.

Trong hành trình sinh ra lớn lên, chúng ta có cơ hội để chọn và nuôi dưỡng ‘hạt mầm’ về suy nghĩ, niềm tin, hành động, ứng xử - để hiện thực hóa khát khao mong muốn nhu cầu được yêu được cảm thấy đủ. ‘Hạt mầm’ chúng ta chọn có thể mang tác dụng tích cực bền vững hoặc chưa tích cực chưa bền vững.

Jen cảm ơn vì được trải nghiệm hành trình của bản thân và những câu chuyện của những người ‘coachee’ đã gọi tên – ‘nhổ’ được cây hạt mầm chưa tốt – cách chưa tốt để hiện thực hóa khát khao mong muốn chân chính của mỗi con người chúng ta.

---câu chuyện của Jen---

‘Anh trân trọng em luôn cảm ơn, biết ơn và tốt với anh; nhưng anh có cảm giác, dù anh làm gì để thể hiện sự quan tâm tới em…cũng không đủ với em’, một người bạn trai cũ một lần chia sẻ với Jen sau khoảng 2 tháng hai người làm quen với nhau.

Hôm đó là hôm Jen đi chạy bộ đường dài về, Jo đã giúp chuẩn bị cho Jen một bình nước hoa quả xay. Jen cảm động, và cảm ơn; nhưng cũng nghe thấy một tiếng nói nhỏ - ‘việc này cũng bình thường thôi, chị gái mình còn quan tâm mình gấp vạn lần’.

Đó là một lần trong nhiều lần Jen rơi vào cảm nhận đó mỗi khi người bạn trai đó có hành vi quan tâm chăm sóc Jen – cảm thấy cảm động biết ơn - sau đó ngay lập tức là cảm thấy việc này cũng bình thường -vì nếu so với tình yêu và sự quan tâm vô điều kiện của chị gái Jen. (Sau này Jen hiểu sâu thẳm, việc bám vào tình yêu vô điều kiện của chị Jen giúp Jen không bị tổn thương nếu sau này Jen và bạn đó không tiếp tục – một biểu hiện mong được yêu).

Jen biết tiếng nói nhỏ đó không là người bạn hiệu quả trong mối quan hệ - Jen luôn nói cảm ơn bạn, nhưng ở đâu đó, Jen cảm nhận năng lượng âm ỉ sinh ra từ tiếng nói nhỏ kia – rằng bạn ý có làm như thế nào, cũng chưa đủ tốt hay tốt bằng tình yêu vô điều kiện của chị Jen…Và Jen biết rằng, tiếng nói nhỏ đó là đi từ hạt mầm – đã thành cây cổ thụ ‘sợ chưa đủ’ và ‘sợ không được yêu’.

Và sau hơn 2 tháng, bạn đã chia sẻ cảm nhận của bạn như ở trên – qua việc cảm nhận năng lượng vô hình mà ‘tiếng nói nhỏ’ của Jen đã tạo ra.

Và lúc đó, có một sự chuyển biến ở tầng ‘tiềm thức, vô thức’ về ‘cây cổ thụ chưa đủ, sợ không được yêu’. Cơ thể Jen biến chuyển, có một luồng năng lượng di chuyển trong cơ thể, khiến Jen được nhẹ nhõm, cảm giác như một tảng đá được bỏ đi – cái năng lượng vô hình âm ỉ dồn nén – ‘cái cây cổ thụ’ rằng mình chưa đủ, sợ tổn thương đã được gọi tên, công nhận và ‘nhổ rễ’.

Cảm ơn người bạn trai cũ đã cùng gọi tên ‘người bạn ‘sợ chưa đủ, sợ không được yêu’.

Cảm ơn người bạn ‘sợ chưa đủ, sợ không được yêu’ đã sinh ra, tồn tại để bảo vệ Jen – để bày tỏ một khát khao và mong muốn của Jen – của mỗi con người khi sống – được yêu thương và được cảm nhận mình có đủ năng lực đủ tốt xứng đáng có cuộc sống đầy đủ thịnh vượng.

Cảm ơn người bạn ‘sợ chưa đủ, sợ không được yêu’ đã báo hiệu đâu là suy nghĩ, hành vi và cách ứng xử hiệu quả để nuôi dưỡng mong muốn nhu cầu khát khao trong mỗi chúng ta – được yêu, được cảm thấy đầy đủ.

---câu chuyện của 2 người ‘coachee’----

Câu chuyện của một ‘coachee’ – Jen gọi là Helen

* Cách cũ – ‘hạt mầm cũ’ để thể hiện khát khao được yêu và đủ của Helen mang tính hiệu quả ngắn hạn:

(1) chơi với con trai, galang với các cô gái để được coi là mạnh mẽ;

(2) làm nhiều việc để được mọi người thấy là mình làm được nhiều việc;

(3) chọn cách ‘cười nhạo’ trên những bối cảnh thách thức và ngang trái để khỏa đi nỗi sợ và lo lắng

*Cách mới –‘hạt mầm mới’ để thể hiện khát khao được yêu và đủ của Helen một cách bền vững đường dài:

(1) trân trọng mỗi người như một con người – một linh hồn đáng được trân trọng yêu thương quan tâm cũng như bản thân đáng được trân trọng và yêu thương;

(2) quan tâm mọi người vì họ xứng đáng, và mình xứng đáng;

(3) làm việc quan trọng và làm hết mình vì mình đủ và xứng đáng và đó là tiếng gọi sứ mệnh và năng lực của mình

Câu chuyện của một ‘coachee’ – Jen gọi là Philip

* Cách cũ – ‘hạt mầm cũ’ để thể hiện khát khao được yêu và đủ của Philip mang tính hiệu quả ngắn hạn:

(1) chọn cách đưa mình xuống thấp khiêm nhường ‘giả ngố’ nhưng trong lòng vẫn thấy tủi thân chưa phục;

(2) chọn cách đi học thật nhiều để nhận kiến thức và trải nghiệm để cảm thấy đủ;

(3) chọn cách cho đi thật nhiều để khách hàng làm với mình;

*Cách mới –‘hạt mầm mới’ để thể hiện khát khao được yêu và đủ của Philip một cách bền vững đường dài:

(1) khiêm nhường và trân trọng giá trị bản thân và của mọi người – dám chia sẻ những điều mình thấy quan trọng với tâm thế chia sẻ đóng góp;

(2) dựa trên điều gì quan trọng – mục tiêu quan trọng, chọn lọc kiến thức, hành động, và nhìn lại đúc kết bài học, sau đó chia sẻ;

(3) xác định giá trị cốt lõi của bản thân, doanh nghiệp một cách chắc chắn; cho đi với tâm thế rõ ràng chắc chắn về giá trị của mình

Còn bạn, bạn có đang chọn ‘hạt mầm’ nào để nuôi dưỡng và hiện thức hóa khát khao ‘yêu và đủ’ của bạn, của mỗi chúng ta.

Chúc bạn và chúng ta trân trọng những gì chúng ta đã trải qua, để chúng ta có thể nhìn nhận và có lựa chọn tiếp theo – mỗi ngày cho bản thân – nuôi dưỡng hạt mầm nào để hiện thực hóa quyền nhu cầu của chúng ta trong cuộc sống.


#supersundaynotes ❤
Secretly sending a wish to someone, ‘Everything will be ok.’

Sitting in my favourite coffee shop today, I saw a young girl who looked very sad. I remembered a habit I love: ‘Wishing someone to be happy’. I sent her my wish that everything would be ok; that everything would be fine.
Later on, suddenly, I saw someone standing next to me, it was the same girl. She asked me for a charger…I didn’t have an iPhone charger and I recommended her to ask the waiters. She went to ask and finally, she could charge her phone. As she returned to her seat, she continued sitting and her face looked as though she was wondering about something. Suddenly, I saw her smiling…

I hope the girl feels well…
I hope you feel well…I hope every one of us feels well no matter what is happening because everything comes as a gift for our awareness, growth, and joy….

A great week for all of us, welcoming the expected, the unexpected - our gifts of life❤

Shift from 'victim' to 'victor'

#supersundaynotes CHUYỂN TỪ

‘BỊ’ sang ‘ĐƯỢC cơ hội chia sẻ và trao giá trị’


(cùng Việt, Hường và Jen hội thoại trong việc xác định cách để tự tin chia sẻ khi được gọi bất ngờ) #

Việt: Chị Jen ơi, phải làm sao để có thể tự tin chia sẻ khi được gọi một cách bất ngờ ?

Jen: Đây là tình huống mà Hường trải qua hôm nay tại câu lạc bộ nói trước đám đông– Hường được gọi lên sân khấu và chia sẻ về một chủ đề chưa biết trước. Hường có thể chia sẻ về cảm giác và cách mà Hường làm hôm nay?

Hường: Em nghĩ rằng khi mình đã có trải nghiệm đó hôm nay, lúc đó khi đứng trước một nhóm người lạ để trả lời một câu hỏi chưa biết trước; em chưa biết phải nói gì và nói như thế nào; lúc đó cách em đã làm là em nói về việc lần đầu được cơ hội chia sẻ trước câu lạc bộ và có cảm giác hồi hộp; sau đó em kể về một việc quen thuộc với mình – con mèo nhà em. Em nhận thấy trong bối cảnh được gọi lên chia sẻ/phát biểu một cách đột ngột, mình có thể chia sẻ cảm xúc, suy nghĩ ngay lúc đó của chính mình để khán giả cùng thấu hiểu cảm xúc với mình, sau đó nói về một điều quen thuộc với mình.

Jen: Việt cảm thấy như thế nào khi nghe cách của Hường – trong bối cảnh là không gian câu lạc bộ nói trước đám đông? Em thấy có điểm nào chạm đến câu chuyện của mình?

Việt: Cái em cảm nhận được là việc mở lòng chia sẻ cảm xúc suy nghĩ của mình. Có thể bối cảnh của em khác hơn một chút – là có tính chuyên môn công việc.

Jen: Môi trường Hường đến hôm nay là môi trường mà tất cả những người đến tham gia đều là những người có chủ đích đến luyện nói. Việt có thể chia sẻ tình huống Việt đề cập đến trong câu hỏi của mình?

Việt: Đó là tình huống trong một cuộc họp, một hội thảo. Và khi mình được chỉ định phát biểu thì lúc đó mình bị bối rối, bất ngờ, lúng túng. Vì vậy em không biết phải làm như thế nào để bắt đầu nói một cách tự nhiên, để tận dụng thời gian suy nghĩ và trả lời tốt, thay vì bối rối và lúng túng.

Jen: Tức là việt nghe nghe một người nào đó khác rồi, và được gọi lên để phát biểu cảm nghĩ của mình hay để nói về một cái hoàn toàn mới?

Việt: Đó là một chương trình có chủ đề rồi, và mình thường sẽ được gọi lên để phát biểu hay nêu suy nghĩ về chủ đề đó.

Jen: Trong cuộc họp đó có bao nhiêu người, và những người đó cùng cấp với nhau hay như thế nào?

Việt: Có khoảng 20-30 người. Và trong đó sẽ có những nhóm người lãnh đạo cấp cao và những người trẻ tuổi. Vì có lãnh đạo cấp cao nên cũng hơi áp lực một chút.

Jen: Vậy em thuộc nhóm nào?

Việt: Dạ, nhóm trẻ tuổi.

Jen: Tức là mình thuộc nhóm trẻ tuổi, có tài và một ngày nào đó cũng sẽ trở thành lãnh đạo. Vậy đâu là điều cản trở mình nói? Về vai vế, chức vụ hay là cái khó của câu hỏi?

Việt: Em nghĩ là có 2 ý. Một là cái vai vế, bởi mình nói trước lãnh đạo mà không được hay thì có thể mọi người sẽ đánh giá. Hai là mình chưa có nhiều kinh nghiệm, trải nghiệm thì phát biểu của mình không đủ sâu sắc, ý nghĩa nên có thể cũng sẽ bị đánh giá.

Jen: Đây là những điều Việt tự nói hay ai đó nói với Việt?

Việt: Chủ yếu do em tự nói với mình. Do khi mình quan sát người khác và họ đã có sự chuẩn bị mà mình thì chưa có, mình sẽ bị sợ, bị mất tự tin vì mình chưa kịp nghĩ đến gì đó sâu sắc.

Jen: Vậy là mình sợ những cái mình nói không hiệu quả, có thể khiến cho công việc của mình trở nên không tốt. Vậy có từng có ai nói với em là bài nói của em không hiệu quả không?

Việt: Chắc là không ạ. Có thể là cái tiêu chuẩn về việc phát biểu của xã hội và của cơ quan em khiến em nghĩ là mình cần nói tốt hơn.

Jen: Em có thấy điều đó là quan trọng tại thời điểm nói không? Việc nghĩ đến tiêu chuẩn hay việc tập trung vào việc phát biểu hiệu quả?

Việt: Thực ra xét cho kĩ thì em cũng chỉ muốn phát biểu được hết ý của mình là mình đã thỏa mãn rồi chứ không cần được đánh giá cao. Nhưng trong tình huống đó, vì mình bối rối, nên mình không nói hết phát huy được hết những năng lực, suy nghĩ, tri thức của mình qua các bài phát biểu, nên mình chưa được hài lòng.

Jen: Vậy vấn đề ở đây là mình dành năng lượng cho việc mình lo lắng, nên khi phát biểu xong rồi thì mình vẫn thấy mình không được toàn tâm, toàn trí. Vậy nếu mình có thể dành trọn vẹn tâm trí vào việc phát biểu thì mình sẽ thấy tốt và hiệu quả hơn?

Việt: Đúng vậy, nếu mình toàn tâm toàn ý thì mình sẽ tận dụng được trí não của mình hơn…

Jen: Vậy đây là Việt muốn trong tình huống Việt được gọi bất ngờ, Việt có thể vững tâm và chia sẻ được những câu chuyện, những giá trị của mình. Đã có lần nào Việt trong tình huống được gọi bất ngờ và Việt làm tốt việc chia sẻ?

Việt: Có, tuần trước trong một hội thảo, em chưa chuẩn bị nhưng đã bị gọi lên phát biểu. Khi đó, em đã rất là run vì chưa chuẩn bị gì cả. Ban đầu em nói cảm ơn, đồng cảm với những phát biểu trước đó. Và khi mình đã bắt đầu nói được một vài điều, thì tự nhiên nó ra những dòng suy nghĩ cho mình, và nói ra được thêm những điều tiếp theo. Và buổi hôm đó, em đã nói được nhiều thứ mà em muốn, và thỏa mãn với những phát biểu của mình, cho dù bắt đầu rất là run.

Jen: Vậy em lúc đó đã làm gì để có thể hết run?

Việt: Em bắt đầu bằng lời cảm ơn, biết ơn. Và đầu đó nó nảy ra những dòng suy nghĩ khác, từ đó em chia sẻ tốt hơn. Chị chia sẻ thêm các góc độ về tình huống này từ trải nghiệm của chị….

Jen: Chúng ta sẽ cùng phân tích tình huống này với nhau trên trải nghiệm và quan sát của chị trên hành trình thực hành nói trước đám đông.

Khi mình suy nghĩ rằng có thể có ai đó sẽ nghĩ mình nói không tốt, thì có nghĩa một cách vô tình mình đang gán suy nghĩ không tốt đó – giả định đó đến những người xung quanh dù họ có ý đó hay không.

Chị hay dùng một hình ảnh ở đây để khiến mọi người nhớ, đó là: “Khi bạn tập trung vào nỗi sợ bị phán xét khi nói trước đám đông có nghĩa là bạn đang ích kỷ”.

Trên thực tế những người nghe kcó thể không phán xét bạn, họ chỉ đang đợi bạn nói. Nhưng khi chúng ta sợ, chúng ta sẽ vẽ lên những câu chuyện đó để giải thích cho nỗi sợ của mình.

Suy nghĩ này dựa trên tư duy ‘nạn nhân’ ấy. Khi được gọi chia sẻ/phát biểu – đó là cơ hội của chúng ta để chia sẻ giá trị với mọi người. Chúng ta nếu chỉ tập trung vào nỗi sợ của chúng ta, chúng ta ‘ích kỉ’ vì quên đó là cơ hội cho đi.

Thay vì sợ, chúng ta có thể cảm ơn cái cơ hội đó, cảm ơn những người chia sẻ câu chuyện trước đó.

Chúng ta có thể chuẩn bị tâm thế để coi mỗi ngày, mỗi lúc, mỗi nơi là một cơ hội để mình chia sẻ kiến thức, kinh nghiệm, tạo giá trị cho người khác thì chúng ta có thể kết nối bất cứ với ai, vào bất cứ lúc nào.

Khi một điều gì bất ngờ đến và mình chưa biết kết quả sẽ như thế nào, chúng ta có thể sẽ lo sợ, nhưng khi một món quà bất ngờ đến thì chúng ta lại thích thú.

Nhưng trạng thái cơ thể của chúng ta lúc nhận được điều bất ngờ đều tương đối giống nhau. Nhưng mỗi người lại phân tích ý nghĩa và gắn cho nó cảm xúc khác nhau. Người thì sẽ phân tích thành sự hào hứng, người lại phân tích thành sự lo sợ.

Vậy mỗi lần ở trong tình huống đó, Việt sẽ chọn cái cảm giác mà Việt muốn: sợ hãi hay hào hứng? Và huấn luyện bộ não của mình, tiềm thức của mình. Và tùy thuộc vào việc mình huấn luyện bộ não như thế nào? Tốc độ và cường độ như thế nào thì dần dần Việt có thể thoát ra cái phiên bản lúng túng, sợ hãi đó.

Cái này mỗi người có một thời hạn khác nhau, có người 1 tuần, có người 1 tháng, 1 năm. Và còn tùy thuộc vào việc em có ở thường xuyên ở trong tình huống đó hay không? Nếu không có thì hãy tự tạo ra tình huống đó.

Chúng ta có thể thực hành biến nỗi sợ thành hào hứng: Đầu tiên là chuyển hóa cái ý nghĩa gắn với nó. Thứ hai là rèn luyện, thực hành nó mỗi khi có cơ hội. Thứ ba, nếu theo đuổi ngành này như một cái ngành, nghề thì chúng ta sẽ có những kĩ thuật, những cách thức để làm nó.

Và mục đích của một cuộc nói chuyện trên cả việc chia sẻ về mìnhmà còn là mang đến thông điệp, giá trị cho người khác.

Và nếu sau buổi nói chuyện đó, người khác có thể đem được điều gì đó ra về, lúc đó chúng ta sẽ thấy rằng trải nghiệm chia sẻ, giao tiếp với mọi người là một trải nghiệm ý nghĩa.

Việt và Hường có thể tổng kết các điểm chính hôm nay và bước tiếp em làm để biến việc ‘bị gọi bất ngờ’ thành ‘được cơ hội chia sẻ và cho giá trị….’

Việt: Hôm nay em rút ra được cho mình 2 bài học. Thứ nhất là tâm thế khi mình rơi vào những tình huống nói bất ngờ: là nguy cơ hay là món quà. Và thứ hai, em nghĩ rằng mình cần phải có thêm nhiều trải nghiệm, nhiều kiến thức thì mới có thể nói được tốt hơn và chia sẻ được những giá trị tốt hơn cho người khác.

Hường: Em cảm thấy là hôm nay em đã có thêm góc nhìn về những mức của việc nói và giao tiếp. Hôm nay em quan sát anh Việt trong một hành trình giao tiếp, đồng thời em cũng quan sát lại chính mình. Đồng thời, em cũng rất vui vì nhận được những món quà bất ngờ như vậy trong cuộc sống.

Bạn cùng Việt, Hường và Jen chuyển sự tập trung sang việc nhìn thấy cơ hội trong tình huống bất ngờ?

Super Sunday Notes - KINDNESS

#supersundaynotes #meet my 2nd eldest sister and #choose kindness with her❤

For the weekend, I came back with my team to my hometown to visit my parents and celebrate my 2nd eldest sister’s birthday.
In the evening, after dinner, I asked my team to give their best wishes to my sister who worked at the market.
One of my team members – Dinh Hiep sent his wishes, coming from his experience with my sister when he visited her store before our dinner started.
He told my sister, “I was touched when a customer came to buy vegetables, your store didn’t have what he wanted but you tried to find a way to help him because you were worried that the customer might not be able to have their ideal meal if they couldn’t buy enough ingredients”.
------The story from Hiep recalled what happened at the market -------------
At that time at 8 pm, everyone at the market had already left, my sister was packing the remainder of the goods into the stall. While my team and I were helping her with packing and cleaning, a customer came and bought mushrooms. After buying them, he asked if we have nodule leaves (usually used to make a dish with pork).
My sister’s store didn’t have that vegetable.
She then suggested I called at my aunt's store next door and see if she had any left. (My aunt had already returned home, and she had covered the goods with canvas and the surrounding ropes). I thought about taking it from my aunt's stall because I didn't want to disappoint the customer. But only for a moment, it didn’t feel right to touch my aunt's stock.
The customer left quickly, after realising that we didn’t have the kind of vegetables – he understood perfectly.
After some minutes, my sister said to me, “Maybe he and his family would miss their favourite meal because of not having that kind of vegetable. Maybe our aunt would also like to sell things and help his family to have his ideal meal.”
---It is beautiful, isn’t it? The thinking of my sister, a simple thought – but beautiful and kind---
We make choices in life, thinking and doing good things for others – no matter how simple.

Thank you, thank you, life for giving us the opportunity to do simple but nice things to others, everywhere we go.

A super week for us ❤️

Super Sunday Notes - FRIENDLINESS

#SuperSundayNotes #Meet Kim's son

Who sparked your heart last week? I met Kim and felt empowered by her son's friendliness.

'He is like a friendly queen. He says 'hi' to everyone he sees', Kim excitedly told me about her 2-and-a-half-year-old son.

Kim continued talking about his friendliness 'He says 'hi' to everyone, on the street, and at the restaurant - in a very friendly and polite way, and he likes to cheer people up, sometimes in a very demanding and cute way.

One time, he went to a park, and he saw a mum sitting with her daughter but with not a cheerful face. He came next to the mum and waved his hand to say 'hi' to her.

She ignored him. He then tapped on the hands of the lady and waved his hand one more time. She then had to say 'hi' back to him.'

What if we can practice more the friendliness of Kim's son?

A sweet reflective Sunday for all of us!



When he was a boy, an old man heard a story about a woman who found a bottle with a stopper at the beach. When this woman pulled out the cork, she saw a spirit come out. This spirit granted the woman everything she desired.

The old man thus spent his life searching for the bottle with a spirit in it for him. He roamed the beaches of every continent. Because of his obsession with the story of finding the spirit, he always felt like going on and on, he never managed to maintain lasting relationships or keep a long-term job. He never had a feeling of peace and happiness.

One day, on a beach near his house, he found a bottle with a lid, which felt like the bottle he was looking for. He had a hunch that there was a spirit inside the bottle. Usually bottles with a cork are difficult to open, but with this bottle the cork came out easily. A spirit appeared as soon as he opened the bottle. The spirit said to the old man, "I'm here to give you whatever you want, master."

“Anything I want?” replied the old man.

“Well…” said the spirit, “most things, rather.”

The spirit mused, “He's never been in politics, I'm not sure he wants to be President of the United States, nor do I think wishing for a spot on the Olympic basketball team is an appropriate choice. So no, not everything. However, it was more than he had dreamed of, enough to make him feel happy and at peace.”

The old man was a bit overwhelmed but then he became angry. "Why did it take so long to find Spirit? I could have had a lot if I had found Spirit when I was young."

“Ah, master,” said the spirit, “…I've been with you all this time. I'm not in that bottle. I have been with you and have fulfilled your wishes all your life.”

The old man was dumbfounded, not really understanding what the Spirit meant, but he could feel the memories of the past slowly reverberating, the sensations spreading throughout his body, through every cell. He imagined what happened in the past, the beatings, the times of self-pity, the times of sadness; followed by moments of happy laughter, hugs, moments of peace in nature, times without thinking. A sense of faltering within him – he felt like he had been chasing something outside all these years.

He found himself engrossed in a search and chase over the years - not to find a Spirit - but to truly live with his inner calling - to be understood, loved, and connected.

Seeing the old man falter, the spirit said 'Master, I'm ready'…

The old man relaxed his body, said to the spirit, "I hope for one thing – that, when you disappear, I don't need to chase you anymore".

“I do not disappear or appear, I am in you, I actualize what you say to yourself…We will reincarnate you”.

Have you ever had the feeling of the old man in the story above? Always looking for something – a miracle from the outside – but somewhere, you already have it inside of you, your every word, every wish is a message to the 'spirit' within you – and you will have actions and expressions to realize what you regularly tell yourself.

Unlock your heart

Yesterday, I met Mark (an executive coach and speaker, a great soul who loves Vietnam dearly) at Joama - one of my favourite cafes in Hanoi.

As I walked into the café, Mark greeted me at the door with a hug and then warmly asked, 'Hi Jen, great to see you. Have you tried apple pie here? You gotta try it',

I told Mark I had never tried apple pie at the cafe before.

Mark smiled and said to the owner:

'Could you please make Jen an apple pie and a drink - and Jen, you want to order something else?'

I felt like I was seeing a friend after a long absence, even though it was the first time I had met Mark.

Mark is on a mission to make a positive influence on people, and I experienced that feeling through Mark's friendliness, kindness, and especially his open heart.

I learned through what Mark teaches and the books he gave me:

1. It's never too late to follow your dream: Mark had wanted to be a speaker since he was around 20 years old, and then more than 30 years later - Mark pursued his dream.

Mark's wife - began realizing her childhood dream of playing the piano in church at the age of 64.

2. 'Unlock your courage' book: Choosing to listen to the voices that support our dreams, growth, and success.

(One voice says: Don't get your hopes up. That's really risky. You might fail. What will people think? You can't do that. Someone else can do it better. You’re not good enough. You're too young. You're too old...')

(Another voice says: Why not? Go for it. You can learn. When you fall down you can get back up. You will find a way...)

3. 'Unlock your influence' book: Unlocking your influence with honesty, creativity, team development, energy, love, enthusiasm, trust, praise, optimism, persistence, and friendship.

4. 'Unlock your success' book: Have more Luck by = preparing + having a great attitude + taking action + appreciating opportunities.

5. 'Unlock your heart' book: it is an upcoming book by Mark, I am looking forward to its lessons but what I have learned by meeting Mark is that when we open our hearts fully we can connect with other peoples’ hearts.

#have a courageous heartfelt week for all of us

Every step counts

Think big - start small - trust in a compound effect


What was your keyword last week?

Sending to you Jen's keyword from last week: Think big - start small - firmly believe, “Think big for yourself, for the people around you, for the country, for all of us; and start each day with small steps and trust yourself, others and the journey. The compound effect will work it out”


Here is a conversation between Mr. Tan and Jen during a training session for SMEs last week (Mr. Tan and Jen are both in the Southeast Asian mentoring network - ASEAN Mentorship for Entrepreneurs Network):

Jen: You are in China now, can you share with us about your trip?

Mr. Tan: Wow, the more I travel, seeing all things that China has done, the smaller I feel.

Jen: Is there a way to see ourselves as small – in a positive way, instead of thinking we are small and thinking 'small' about ourselves and thinking we can't do it?

Mr. Tan: Yes, it is not about seeing ourselves as small and not doing anything about it. We attempt to see the vision - the big picture ahead and know where we are so that we can take concrete actions to move forward from there. If we keep thinking we are the best, maybe we are not seeing the bigger picture. We need to get a wider perspective, and from there know what we would need to do to create that picture…

Have you ever felt so small? When you meet someone/a country far ahead of you in your field of work; or standing in front of the vast ocean or a big forest?

Have you ever thought you were nothing, and used that as an excuse not to move on? Or do you see it as a motivator – to see how powerful you are?

To you, if you are reading this, believe that - just like everyone/every country who has gone many years before you, like the ocean, the universe - we all start somewhere, and we can make a masterpiece if we firmly believe in our ability.

Walk every day with small steps that count.
