What really holds back your dreams? It cannot do it any longer

"My lifestyle changed completely. No more expensive cars, no more luxury restaurants. I now travel by bike or walk," Mr. Son shared. "Leaving the job of a senior manager to start my own business felt like dropping from the sky," he added.

Son shares his story of leaving a job that didn't match his core values to start an independent business. In the end, it was worth it.

After many ups and downs, and failing in different endeavours, Son is a success. Now he helps others to do what he did. Knowing the value of taking that initial step, no matter how small it is is one of his key lessons.

How about you? Is there goal or dream of yours that seems impossible? And so you haven't made even a small first step?

If you have not taken the first step yet, you may think it is because it is too difficult to achieve the big goal or dream. But deep down, reason can be because you are afraid of what others will think of you. A voice tells you "this is an insignificant effort towards an impossible goal".

But something is different now. Your tired of the mental image of being successful. You want it to be real. And now you are ready start a new journey.

But you don’t need to stay there anymore, held back by mental illusions. Now is the time for you to let your dream come alive. You don’t need to be great to start. Instead, you need to start to be great.

And this is the time for you to do so. How to get started?

- List in writing all the things you want to achieve

- Choose one thing you want to achieve the most, one that if you don’t achieve it, you will regret forever. - List in writing all the reasons that stop you from taking a first action – and say "thanks" to these reasons - List in writing all things that if nobody stops you, nothing stops you, you will do. - Start with one thing first, such as reading one page a key book, or listening to 10 minutes of a useful speech.

You start and become great!


Finish strong

Finish 2020 strong with excitement - 4 steps

#happyhighperformancehabits #jenvuhuong

When we end a year or a week strong, we start a new year or a new week strong.

When I did a seminar on how to end a year strong in 2017 in the UK, it was 7 days before the year ended, I was super pumped when a lady texted me right after the event that she just finished what she delayed for a year - getting her driving license. She felt a sense of control for her coming year after that. Yes, it can be getting your driving license or becoming a member of a community or giving your first attempt to speak up - if you can finish it strong, you gain the feeling of being capable and proactive rather than being passive.

4 steps can help us to finish the year strong:

- Step 1: List out all things that you plan at the beginning of the year but you haven't finished yet

- Step 2: Choose one thing which is the most important thing for you or the thing that you have delayed too long and no matter what you still need to do it

- Step 3: Write into 2 columns of a paper: what has made you not doing that thing (in step 3), write on the other column the first step you can take today to get it done

- Step 4: Just get the first small step right after you finish step 3

What is the thing you are going to finish strong today?


Power and Happiness

Power và Happiness

(Trích từ cuốn sách sắp ra mắt dựa trên câu chuyện của 14 doanh nhân "Dưới tảng băng của sự thành công" - Jen Vuhuong, cuốn sách thứ 6 https://jenvuhuong.com/undertheicebergofsuccess)

Ngày xưa, Power là một nhà vua nổi tiếng độc tài và có quyền lực nhất trên thế giới. Một hôm, trên đường ngự giá du hành, Power qua một ngôi làng nhỏ có tên là Peace. Power thấy rất ngạc nhiên vì dù tùy tùng của ông đã thông báo trước mà vẫn không có một bóng người ra nghênh đón. Ông nhìn qua rèm kiệu thấy loáng thoáng bóng một vài người háo hức chạy, nhưng về phía khác, không phải về phía ông. Thấy lạ lùng, Power sai hai người tùy tùng đi xem chuyện gì đang diễn ra.

Khoảng 10 phút sau, hai người tùy tùng quay lại và như có một phép lạ, họ cười vui háo hức với vẻ mặt đầy phấn khích. Power hỏi chuyện gì xảy ra. Hai người tùy tùng hớn hở đáp: “Dạ bẩm đức vua, cả dân làng đang đổ xô đến xem một cái gì đó gọi là Happiness”. Power chưa hiểu đầu đuôi câu chuyện thế nào nhưng thấy sự thay đổi trên khuôn mặt của hai tùy tùng - khuôn mặt vui vẻ đến mức ông chưa từng nhìn thấy bao giờ - Power cũng trở nên tò mò. Ông bảo hai người tùy tùng dẫn đường đến chỗ có “phép thuật” khiến mọi người quên cả sự hiện diện của nhà vua và khiến hai người tùy tùng thay đổi khác lạ.

Khi đến nơi, đức vua thấy đám đông đang xúm xụm lại, cười đùa, nhảy múa quanh một vật gì đó.

“Nhà vua đến”, một người tùy tùng gọi loa thông báo. Có một vài người quay ra nhìn rồi lại tiếp tục cười và nhảy múa, coi việc nhà vua đến là bình thường.

“Nhà vua đến”, người tùy tùng lại thông báo lần nữa, vẫn không có ai để ý.

“Nhà vua đến”, người tùy tùng cố rướn hết cỡ giọng, vẫn không ai để ý.

Nhà vua cảm thấy thật lạ, ông xuống kiệu, đi vào trong đám đông xem chuyện gì đang diễn ra. Ông thấy ở giữa là một cô bé đang làm ảo thuật. Ông hỏi một người đàn ông đứng bên cạnh “Cô bé này là ai?”. Nhìn thấy bộ trang phục nhà vua, người đàn ông có vẻ hơi giật mình, nhưng rồi chỉ trả lời “Happiness” và lại tiếp tục hưởng ứng các động tác ảo thuật của cô bé.

Nhà vua đứng đó quan sát xem điều gì khiến mọi người mê mẩn xem cô bé tên Happiness này đến vậy. Rất lạ lùng là bản thân nhà vua cũng bắt đầu bị cuốn theo những màn biểu diễn của cô bé. Cô bé mời mỗi người cùng tham gia một màn biểu diễn. Cô sẽ cùng nhảy múa, sau đó đoán tên của họ, rồi nói một từ mô tả sự tuyệt vời của họ, rồi một khó khăn của họ và một điều khiến họ có thể vượt qua khó khăn đó, cô cũng không quên nói về một bí mật hài hước thời bé của họ.

Nhà vua tò mò hỏi người đàn ông bên cạnh: “Cô bé này biết tất cả mọi người sao?”. Người đàn ông trả lời: “Ồ, có thể. Nhưng chúng tôi chưa gặp cô bé bao giờ, cô bé đi biểu diễn trò ảo thuật này ở khắp nơi, hôm nay là lần đầu tiên cô ấy đến làng chúng tôi”.

Nhà vua cảm thấy sững sờ hơn vì cô bé mới lần đầu đến mà đã nhận được sự chào đón nồng nhiệt như vậy, quan trọng hơn cả là cô biết được hết tên và những đặc điểm khiến mỗi người tự tin về họ.

Nhà vua đợi đến khi cô bé biểu diễn xong và mọi người ra về hết, ông tiến đến bên cô nói: “Tôi muốn được như cô”.

Cô bé nở nụ cười hóm hỉnh, dường như không có sự câu nệ về khoảng cách: “Nhà vua kính mến, ngài không cần giống như tôi, ngài hãy là con người hạnh phúc nhất có thể theo cách của ngài thì mọi người xung quanh ngài sẽ hạnh phúc”.

“Nhưng ta cần có được kĩ thuật của cô để có thể khiến mọi người hạnh phúc”, nhà vua khẩn khoản đáp.

“Ngài đã có những thứ ngài cần trong sâu thẳm con người ngài”, cô chạm tay vào trái tim của đức vua và nhìn vào sâu đôi mắt của ông, rồi vụt đi như một cơn gió.

Nhà vua đứng sững vì những lời của cô bé đã chạm đến sâu thẳm trong ông, ông chưa bao giờ tự hỏi điều gì khiến mình hạnh phúc, ông nghĩ rằng mình đã có hết tất cả khi làm vua, nhưng quên đi những thứ quý giá hơn mà ông có ở chính trong tâm hồn “là chính ông”.

(Kết chuyện ở cuối sách)


Câu chuyện này đến với tôi khi tôi nghĩ đến thông điệp chính cho cuốn sách về thành công dựa trên 14 câu chuyện của 14 doanh nhân...

Vậy Thành công có nghĩa là gì?

Những người vừa được xã hội công nhận là thành công và quan trọng hơn họ thực sự hạnh phúc về con người họ trở thành có cách nhìn như thế nào về sự thành công?

Bill Gates, nhà sáng lập Microsoft, tin rằng thành công là tạo ra sự ảnh hưởng tới xã hội.

Nhà đầu tư tài ba Warren Buffett - được mệnh danh là người giàu thứ 2 thế giới sau Bill Gate (2018) định nghĩa thành công là mối quan hệ, không phải tiền hay sự nổi tiếng.

Arianna Huffington, người đồng sáng lập tờ báo lớn thứ hai nước Mỹ - Huffington Post cho rằng thành công cần được định nghĩa khác đi, không chỉ là tiền và quyền lực, mà là: sức khỏe, trí tuệ, sự an nhiên và sự cho đi!

Nữ hoàng truyền hình, người Mỹ gốc Phi giàu nhất thế kỷ 20 - Oprah Winfrey nhìn nhận thành công là được sống hết mình với con người thật của chính mình.

Tỷ phú Richard Branson, người sáng lập tập đoàn Virgin Group với hơn 400 công ty thành viên, định nghĩa thành công là hạnh phúc.

Như vậy, những người thành công và hạnh phúc này nhìn nhận thành công với những ý nghĩa khác nhau nhưng dường như tất cả họ đều không định nghĩa thành công theo tiêu chuẩn thông thường của xã hội - những phần bề nổi - tiền tài và danh vọng.

“Thành công là do chính bạn định nghĩa, khi bạn thực sự hạnh phúc với chính con người bạn trở thành - thành công theo cách của bạn”. Điều đó nghĩa là mỗi người chúng ta có thể sẽ có một cách khác nhau để định nghĩa “thành công”, có những cách làm khác nhau để đạt được sự thành công đó, và hạnh phúc với con người mà chúng ta trở thành.

Được truyền cảm hứng qua các câu chuyện của nữ doanh nhân trong cuốn sách để dám nhìn nhận mình là ai? mình muốn gì?

Thói quen để thành công theo cách của bạn: Tư duy lớn, tư duy cầu tiến, tư duy cống hiến, sự rõ ràng, niềm tin, sự can đảm, sự cam kết, sự kết nối, cho đi, lòng biết ơn.

Kết nối với những doanh nhân hay startup có tinh thần khởi nghiệp - dám hành động, không từ bỏ dù khó khăn

Kết nối với nhà đầu tư trong và ngoài nước

- Đậu Thúy Hà - Founder Kidsonline
- Nguyễn Thu Hương (online) - CEO NAM HƯƠNG
- Lê Kim Phượng - Nhà thơ, nhà đầu tư
- Từ Thu Hiền - CEO WISE
- Thanh Huyền - Founder True Juice

- Tác giả: Jen Vuhuong, tác giả của 6 cuốn sách phát triển con người và khởi nghiệp lãnh đạo trong nước và quốc tế; huấn luyện viên phát triển con người cho cộng đồng quốc tế đến từ hơn 30 quốc gia.

Trích từ https://jenvuhuong.com/undertheicebergofsuccess



Bạn đang loay hoay khởi nghiệp? Bạn đang vượt qua những sóng gió trong công việc kinh doanh của mình?
Bạn đang vượt qua thử thách mỗi ngày để thực hiện giấc mơ hay một sứ mệnh?
Và bạn muốn thành công trong cuộc sống?

Bill Gates, nhà sáng lập Microsoft, tin rằng thành công là tạo ra sự ảnh hưởng tới xã hội.

Nhà đầu tư tài ba Warren Buffett - được mệnh danh là người giàu thứ 2 thế giới sau Bill Gate (2018) định nghĩa thành công là mối quan hệ, không phải tiền hay sự nổi tiếng.

Arianna Huffington, người đồng sáng lập tờ báo lớn thứ hai nước Mỹ - Huffington Post cho rằng thành công cần được định nghĩa khác đi, không chỉ là tiền và quyền lực, mà là: sức khỏe, trí tuệ, sự an nhiên và sự cho đi!

Như vậy, những người thành công và hạnh phúc này nhìn nhận thành công với những ý nghĩa khác nhau nhưng dường như tất cả họ đều không định nghĩa thành công theo tiêu chuẩn thông thường của xã hội - những phần bề nổi - tiền tài và danh vọng.

Cuốn sách có thông điệp “Thành công là do chính bạn định nghĩa, khi bạn thực sự hạnh phúc với chính con người bạn trở thành - thành công theo cách của bạn”. Điều đó nghĩa là mỗi người chúng ta có thể sẽ có một cách khác nhau để định nghĩa “thành công”, có những cách làm khác nhau để đạt được sự thành công đó, và hạnh phúc với con người mà chúng ta trở thành.

Những gì chúng ta nhìn thấy về thành tích của những người thành công là kết quả bề ngoài của một quá trình nỗ lực bên trong - giống như nguyên lí tảng băng - chúng ta đang nhìn thấy bề nổi của tảng băng. Cùng với cách bạn định nghĩa thành công cho bạn, cuốn sách này mong bạn sẽ tận hưởng hành trình để xây dựng nên thành công.

Chính vì vậy, cuốn sách đi vào những gì “phía dưới tảng băng thành công”- những điều chưa nhìn thấy và đã làm nên sự thành công của những nữ doanh nhân được phỏng vấn.

Cuốn sách này xoay quanh câu chuyện của 14 nữ doanh nhân thuộc thế hệ 6X đến 9X, những người mẹ, người chị, người em đã và đang vượt lên những cái nhìn định kiến của xã hội về nữ giới hay những lo toan về chăm sóc gia đình, biến đó thành sức mạnh để hành động và đạt được những thành công nhất định trong sự nghiệp của họ.

Được truyền cảm hứng qua các câu chuyện của nữ doanh nhân trong cuốn sách để dám nhìn nhận mình là ai? mình muốn gì?

Thói quen để thành công theo cách của bạn: Tư duy lớn, tư duy cầu tiến, tư duy cống hiến, sự rõ ràng, niềm tin, sự can đảm, sự cam kết, sự kết nối, cho đi, lòng biết ơn.

Kết nối với những doanh nhân hay startup có tinh thần khởi nghiệp - dám hành động, không từ bỏ dù khó khăn

Kết nối với nhà đầu tư trong và ngoài nước

- Đậu Thúy Hà - Founder Kidsonline
- Nguyễn Thu Hương (online) - CEO NAM HƯƠNG
- Lê Kim Phượng - Nhà thơ, nhà đầu tư
- Từ Thu Hiền - CEO WISE
- Thanh Huyền - Founder True Juice

- Tác giả: Jen Vuhuong, tác giả của 6 cuốn sách phát triển con người và khởi nghiệp lãnh đạo trong nước và quốc tế; huấn luyện viên phát triển con người cho cộng đồng quốc tế đến từ hơn 30 quốc gia.


When you shift to this mindset..., great things happen

When you shift to this mindset…, great changes happen!

You change from a “victim” to a victor of life!

I was studying very hard in schools and then university, the studying result was great but the journey somehow was miserable.

When I was at high school, I would study when riding buffalo or helping my parents in the fields, while cooking or even in the toilet (oh yes, my favourite place). I had everything in my mind and was very prepared before any exam, but I wanted the best result so I sometimes still had some tricks such as writing some key ideas on my arms to have something to help me in the exam. I found most of the time, I didn't use these supporting materials but the fear of not doing the best made me keep doing these tricks. One semester, I even got capped on my whole excellent award because the teacher saw me using the tricks in the exam. And the worst was, I felt bad about it - I studied hard but I suffered myself.  I started again without the tricks and my overall result after my high school was still one of the highest.

When I enrolled to university, I repeated the same pattern - I studied it all, but I still used tricks when attending an exam and I got capped again on that subject to 0 point. I told myself "enough is enough". I started asking myself, there would be a better way for mastering it, to not being that miserable - even studying so hard but still feeling fearful of not doing well so using a little trick to comfort myself. Some of my friends saw me studying hard and often going to the library to research more about the lessons, they asked me to teach them. I loved doing it, I shared with them all that I learned. Interestingly, the subjects that I taught others, I often had good results but most importantly, I felt great because others also passed the exams with good results.

I took that experience to become my slogan - learning by sharing. I took that slogan to study my first Masters degree in Spain, I often shared and helped my classmates with their thinking process to learn and do their assignments - this resulted in my highest performance award for my degree. And again, it was natural and i felt fulfilled because others also got great results.

I learned these thing by heart - learning by sharing and upgraded it to become "learning by serving". When I went to the UK to study my second Master's degree, I told myself - "my success in studying will be measured by the number of people I support and how well they will do in their studying and even their life". With this principle, I would organize discussing session for the whole class every week and would read crazily in the library and on Google. I got scholars to dig deeper into the topics we learned, and yes, not forgetting to ask my professors as much as possible, outside and inside the class and even going to town to learn from entrepreneurs.

My classmates got great results in their studying, and naturally, I got great results because I learned by sharing and serving. Looking back I thought it was the biggest lesson I learned about the power of servant leadership - your success is measured by the success of people you support.

My question today for you will be: What is the daily thing you do to serve better at least one person next to you today? The more you serve, the more successful you become!

P/S: This post is inspired by a dear mentee of mine who has taught me about servant leadership and he has the words “servant leadership” on him to remind him to practice on it everyday.

the uk.jpg

Your "Can do" Jar

“When was the last time that you felt so great about yourself because you did something great?”

Is it 1 year ago, 1 week ago or 1 day ago?

What is about experiencing it more and more everyday?

I used the concept of “can do” jar, maybe you hear the concept of “cookie jar” (in the book “Can’t hurt me” of David Goggins).

How to create “Can do” Jar?

Each time when you achieved something, you would record it.

Each day you wake up, read it up. Or each time you meet challenges, you can read up one story in it.


Do you see the unseen confidence in you?

This story will change how we see confidence:

There was a business executive who was deep in debt and could see no way out.

Creditors were closing in on him. Suppliers were demanding payment. He sat on the park bench, head in hands, wondering if anything could save his company from bankruptcy.

Suddenly an old man appeared before him. “I can see that something is troubling you,” he said.

After listening to the executive’s woes, the old man said, “I believe I can help you.”

He asked the man his name, wrote out a check, and pushed it into his hand saying, “Take this money. Meet me here exactly one year from today, and you can pay me back at that time.”

Then he turned and disappeared as quickly as he had come.

The business executive saw in his hand a check for $500,000, signed by John D. Rockefeller, then one of the richest men in the world!

“I can erase my money worries in an instant!” he realized. But instead, the executive decided to put the uncashed check in his safe. Just knowing it was there might give him the strength to work out a way to save his business, he thought.

With renewed optimism, he negotiated better deals and extended terms of payment. He closed several big sales. Within a few months, he was out of debt and making money once again.

Exactly one year later, he returned to the park with the uncashed check. At the agreed-upon time, the old man appeared. But just as the executive was about to hand back the check and share his success story, a nurse came running up and grabbed the old man.

“I’m so glad I caught him!” she cried. “I hope he hasn’t been bothering you. He’s always escaping from the rest home and telling people he’s John D. Rockefeller.”

And she led the old man away by the arm.

The astonished executive just stood there, stunned. All year long he’d been wheeling and dealing, buying and selling, convinced he had half a million dollars behind him.

Suddenly, he realized that it wasn’t the money, real or imagined, that had turned his life around. It was his newfound self-confidence that gave him the power to achieve anything he went after.”

What is about you? Do you compare your self-worth with your current materials you have? or the situation you are in? Or you dare to allow yourself to acknowledge the true great potential and capability you have to work on nurturing it everyday? Your belief in yourself will translate into action and real results!


[Câu chuyện thay đổi cách bạn nhìn nhận về sự tự tin]

Một giám đốc điều hành doanh nghiệp đang chìm trong nợ nần chồng chất và không còn lối thoát.

Các ngân hàng cho công ty anh vay tiện gọi điện dồn dập mỗi ngày báo thanh toán hạn quá nợ. Các nhà cung cấp đến tận văn phòng yêu cầu thanh toán khoản tiền hàng. Anh rơi vào tình cảnh hoang  mang sợ hãi, ngồi trên ghế đá cạnh văn phòng ôm đầu tự hỏi liệu có điều gì có thể cứu công ty anh khỏi phá sản.

Đột nhiên một ông già xuất hiện trước mặt anh. “Tôi thấy có điều gì đó đang làm phiền anh,” ông già nói.

Sau khi lắng câu chuyện sắp phá sản của giám đốc điều hành, ông già nói, "Tôi tin rằng tôi có thể giúp anh."

Ông ta hỏi tên người giám đốc điều hành, viết ra một tấm séc, và dúi vào tay anh ta và nói: “Hãy cầm lấy số tiền này. Gặp tôi ở đây đúng một năm kể từ hôm nay, và anh có thể trả lại tiền cho tôi vào thời điểm đó ”.

Sau đó ông lão rời đi nhanh chóng, để lại người giám đốc điều hành thẫn thờ.

Người giám đốc điều hành nhìn thấy trong tay mình là tấm séc trị giá 500.000 đô la, với chữ ký tên Tiến sỹ John D. Rockefeller (một trong những người đàn ông giàu nhất thế giới thời điểm đó)!

“Vậy là tôi không còn phải lo sợ về tiền bạc nữa!” Anh tự nhủ. Nhưng ngay lập tức, trong lúc không còn lo sợ đó, anh có một cảm giác là mình có thể tạo ra nhiều hơn số tiền đó với năng lực của mình, anh đã làm vậy trong suốt nhiều năm qua. ANh quyết định cất tấm séc và sẽ tìm cách vực dậy công ty bằng chính năng lực của anh.

Với sự lạc quan và tâm thế tự tin đó, anh chủ động gọi điện cho các đối tác và thương lượng các giao dịch tốt hơn và gia hạn điều khoản thanh toán. Anh bắt đầu kết nối các đối tác mới và tìm kiếm những đơn hàng mới. Anh đã chốt thành công một số vụ mua bán lớn. Trong vòng vài tháng, anh ta đã trả hết nợ và công ty anh tiếp tục sinh lời.

Đúng một năm sau, anh trở lại công viên với tấm séc được người đàn ông ký cho mình. Đúng giờ, ông lão đã ký séc cho anh xuất hiện. Đúng lúc người giám đốc điều hành chuẩn bị trao lại tấm séc và chia sẻ câu chuyện thành công của mình với ông lão, một y tá chạy đến và nắm lấy tay ông lão.

“Cảm ơn trời ông ở đây!" cô ý tá vỡ òa, cô tiếp tục hướng về phía người giám đốc điều hành “Tôi hy vọng ông lão không làm phiền anh. Ông ấy luôn trốn khỏi nhà viện và đi khắp nơi nói với mọi người rằng ông ấy là tỷ phú, tiến sỹ John D. Rockefeller. ”

Rồi cô ý tá chào anh giám đốc điều hành, nắm tay ông già đi.

Vị giám đốc điều hành kinh ngạc chỉ đứng đó, sững sờ, không nói lên lời.

Cả năm qua, anh ấy đã xoay sở và làm mọi cách vực dậy công ty, với một cảm giác tự tin biết rằng anh ấy có một tấm sec nửa triệu đô nếu bất kỳ tình huống nào xảy ra.

Đột nhiên, anh nhận ra rằng điều tự tin không phải là khoản tiền đó, dù thực hay tưởng tượng, đã làm thay đổi cuộc sống của anh. Chính sự tự tin về năng lực của anh, sau khi bị bỏ đi gánh nặng lo âu về tiền bạc, anh ấy đã tập trung vào giá trị anh có thể tạo ra, và với tâm thế đó, anh đã chuyển bại thành thắng.

Còn bạn thì sao? Bạn có coi giá trị của bạn bằng bối cảnh hiện tại của bạn? Bạn có cho mình nghĩ lớn hơn cho bản thân, trên cả khó khăn và bối cảnh bạn đang ở. Bạn có cho mình hành động theo giá trị tiềm năng thực sự của bạn, thay vì bối cảnh thực tế? Khi bạn tin vào giá trị bản thân, bạn biến nó thành kết quả thực tế trong cuộc sống.



We have read books or watched videos and may learn about tips to be more impressive when meeting or doing something.

To go to a deeper level of greatness, you want to go to more involvement then inspiration.

Imagine, you are in a networking event, you can experience the following stages:

  • Courage: You dare to speak with a stranger

  • Confidence: You appear very confidently

  • Impression: You make people feel you are a very interesting person and they feel great to talk to you

  • Involvement: You make people feel you are so interested in learning about them and they start realizing something about themselves after answering your questions

  • Inspiration: You make people feel inspired to then do something to change their lives

All of these stages are great at a certain context, but you want to experience deeper stages to understand more about different aspects of your life and the impact you can make.

Which stage you normally experience and which one you are working on more now?





CHEER UP: a habit to build confidence


When we are in a down moment or lack of confidence, if we are cheered up (either by ourselves or by others), we will believe in ourselves more to take action, action creates an experience, the experience can lead to competence then confidence.

For example, I thought I could not speak well, my mentors cheer me up "You have the potential to speak well. Your current performance does not reflect your future performance. Just keep sharing and you will improve. I believe in you". I continued trying to speak then I improved then I became more confident.

We can be our own mentor or have a real mentor or a supportive community to be cheered up and keep improving.

Not even in a down moment, when we knock down a goal, we deserve to be CHEERed up either by ourselves or others. When we celebrate our achievement, our brain knows what is good to reinforce


When we encourage ourselves or others to overcome difficulties or down moments, we express our care and love toward ourselves and others.


When they feel down?

- Acknowledge their feelings

- Say how much you love them or care about them and

- Ask questions to let them speak

- Listen

- Say "thanks for sharing"

- Ask them to do one thing to change their state of mind

- Make a joke

When they are not confident about themselves?

- Send an inspiring image/video

- Share one image of one achievement they did in the past

- Share one image of one thing you learn from them

- Ask them to share why do they feel that

- Listen

- Say "thanks for sharing"

- Learn one new thing with them


- I am happy

- I am very happy

- I am truly happy

- I am happy to know you

- I am happy to learn from you

- I am happy to learn to how to improve

- I am happy when you are all happy

What are your favourite cheer up sentences?

7 sentences

How to sustain self-discipline

Why is it important to be self-disciplined? Having self-discipline means having self-control. When you can control yourself, you feel that you are the victor of your life instead of victim of life; you focus on solutions, you focus on positivity, you are happier. Self-discipline and taking full responsibility for your life complement each other. Discipline also allows you to master your skills, then master your life to realise your dreams. You can discipline your daily habits, such as reading and making healthy choices, but first and foremost, you have to discipline your thoughts. Your thoughts become your behaviours, which then render your results. You want to discipline the thoughts to make them work for your passion not against your passion. Discipline the gratitude thoughts.

Rule 1: Associate discipline with positive emotions “Discipline brings you more freedom by living more precisely rather than being distracted by randomness”.

For example, instead of saying – you want to lose weight (“losing” doesn’t sounds very appealing) – you say to yourself that you want to do exercise to keep fit – you want to wake up early to do exercise, you can enjoy the fresh air and wake up your body to feel vibrant. That will help you start your day in control…then you will work better during the day…

Rule 2: Discipline equals self-love

Because you love yourself, you don’t want to feel disappointed about yourself when not having discipline to overcome distractions or temporary temptations.

You love yourself too much to eat unhealthy food because you don’t want to blame yourself later. You love yourself to much to blame others because you know you won’t feel good after that.

Rule 3: Self-discipline comes with the ability to come back to your discipline even you lose track for one or two days or one or two times…Steps to be disciplined:

- Step 1: Remember the reason you need to practice discipline in a certain task.

- Step 2: Use Reminders – objects to activate the habit that you want to build (for example: put a sticky note on the wall in front of your desk.)

- Step 3: Create an environment that supports the making of habits (for example, drinking water is harmful to the health if it is directly from the refrigerator – leave glasses of water in several places in the house if you want to practice the habit of drinking a lot of water.)

- Step 4: Mark what you have achieved through the days and celebrate them in that program (for example, you can enjoy yourself somewhere to relax, maybe to have sex or have a healthy meal.)

Practice gratitude discipline:

Every morning, practice being grateful, think and write about three things that you feel grateful for. Feel it with all your senses, you are alive!

- Every time you have a problem, be grateful that it will challenge you, so that you can grow.

- Say thank you to colleagues, relatives and acquaintances.

Every evening, think about three things you are grateful for that day.

I am giving 30-min coaching to help you get started: jenvuhuong.com/coaching

With love,


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Your story matters

When I was in the UK, every month I went to a story-telling event where most people were native speakers.

As a little girl coming from the countryside of Vietnam, telling a story in the English language in front of around 200 people made me nervous in my stomach ... I could hear my little voice "people would not understand you..." (Have you ever felt that before? You wanted to speak up and that voice came up...)

But then I remembered the saying of a dear friend that "if your message is important enough to share with others then you have to share it, you don’t know who may benefit from it until you share it out…”. I also told myself I was inspired by people who shared their stories and someone could also be inspired by my stories...

That desire of sharing overcame the doubtful voice and I could not be more thankful that after my sharing, people would come and say they believed in themselves more, thanks to my story.

I noticed there was a guy of more than 60 years of age who always came to the event. I often saw him look at me speaking, not having any emotion or reaction - it was a blank face. I heard a voice telling me "He would not feel interested in stories of a little kid coming from the countryside like me". Have you ever heard a voice like that, just because of the reaction on someone's face?

Until one day, after my story about how I overcame my own doubts when changing my career, he came to me and said "You are like a rock, little girl. I often tell your stories to my grandchildren, you inspire them! Thank you."

I was touched by what he said!

I realized that we are sometimes caught up by the delusion of our own doubts, making us assume things and divert a part of our energy on thinking on being judged.

And if we fully focused on just sharing, serving for good - we would be free from all these doubts and fears, and be fully immersed in the message.

As I have learned a lot about myself and others through telling stories and listening to stories, I created Story Jam to welcome you to come and share your stories or listen to others' stories.

I am looking forward to hearing your story soon!

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Do what you say

Yesterday I watched a video of Tom Biley – a successful entrepreneur and show host and I was stimulated by his sharing – “Only speak it or make it real.”

He was successful in his nutrition business and wanted to change his career to host a show reflecting the reality of being human. At the beginning, he just talked about it and did not do much more than that.

But the more he only talked about it without doing much with it in reality, he started feeling empty. He realised he had to do things and create the reality as he talked. He had to live what he was saying. He had to breathe what he was saying. He started contacting people one by one to do a show. Then another show followed, and it started growing with more and more people being inspired. His dream became reality as he spoke and took action and he learned from it.

Have you ever felt like that? You have a goal, you talk about it; you feel it is great. You also know when you take action as well as speaking, you create results which will reinforce your belief in what you say, rather than feeling empty.

Speaking about our goals and dreams can be a great starting point and a great daily conversation if we also go out and make it happen to reinforce what we say.

Speak with belief and take action to create results can help us reinforce our belief.

Some thoughts for us to take away:

• Be a learner

• Be committed to make what you want to achieve happen by seeing challenges as opportunities to grow.

• Do one thing to go closer to your goal.

• Reinforce your action.

• Be thankful.

• Keep reflecting and do better next time.


Change your stories, Change your life

Re-tell your disempowering past stories to release your pure desire to unleash your passion.

Why is it important to re-tell your past experiences?

It is important to recall your past experiences and give them empowering meanings in order to be able to consciously realise your pure desire of loving and living meaningfully, the infinite source of passion. Becoming an observer will help you detach from the past. When you become an observer of the past, you go on the journey of discovering the root of your deep down emotions, your past experiences, your trauma. When you observe the past, give it a positive meaning, you detach from it.


Imagine you are now an observer of the past witnessing different experiences so you can move forward in your life:

Step 1: Give your electronics a break. Grab a pen and paper or a notebook, and head to a favourite place to study your writing (for example, a quiet place like your bedroom or coffee shop).

Step 2: Divide your paper into three columns.

Column 1: Write down any traumatic or unfortunate experiences in the past. Feel the pain as if it were flowing from you through a pen onto a piece of paper.

Column 2 will record the negative feelings from the experience.

Column 3 will record the positive feelings from the experience.

Step 3: Acknowledge negative and positive emotions.

Step 4: Redirect focus and Attach positive meanings and act positively for a better future.

How to acknowledge the emotion and redirect the focus:

Ask yourself: What can I learn from that? Write in the third column your positive feelings.

Tell yourself: “Thank you (acknowledge the experience and be set free from it). Everything is over (let the pain pass). I got through it, I was able to continue with new experiences in life (moving forward with strength).

Action: Write in the third column one thing I can do now to comfortably and happily enjoy the present moment. Write how I can progress forward into the future.

Step 5: Eliminate the first and second columns, the repository of traumatic experiences and negative emotions - retain the third column with positive emotions and actions.

When you become a storyteller - an observer - of your past experience, you are connecting with the best version of yourself - always leading a life of passion. This way, you have just removed a cover built by society - Past experience - to unleash your passion.

Discipline equals self-love

Because you love yourself, you don’t want to feel disappointed about yourself when not having discipline to overcome distractions or temporary temptations.

You love yourself too much to eat unhealthy food because you don’t want to blame yourself later. You love yourself to much to blame others because you know you won’t feel good after that.

Steps to be disciplined:

- Step 1: Remember the reason you need to practice discipline in a certain task.

- Step 2: Use Reminders – objects to activate the habit that you want to build (for example: put a sticky note on the wall in front of your desk.)

- Step 3: Create an environment that supports the making of habits (for example, drinking water is harmful to the health if it is directly from the refrigerator – leave glasses of water in several places in the house if you want to practice the habit of drinking a lot of water.)

- Step 4: Mark what you have achieved through the days and celebrate them in that program (for example, you can enjoy yourself somewhere to relax, maybe to have sex or have a healthy meal.)

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My memory drifts back to the vision of an afternoon when the sun was shining in every corner of my house. I was three years old. That day, my parents were in the hospital taking care of my younger sister. My brother had gone fishing and my eldest sister was at the market selling vegetables. I stayed at home playing with my second eldest sister, Tomorrow. We were playing on the swing under the Longan tree in my family’s garden. Tomorrow would push me up and I would laugh out loud as I sailed high into the air. Suddenly, we heard the family dog barking, and we saw a lady who seemed to be around 30 years old. She was riding a bicycle, and she entered our yard. Tomorrow and I ran to the yard to talk to her.

“Hi, I am your aunt. Your parents want to see your sister and asked me to take her to them,” she told Tomorrow, pointing at me. Tomorrow did not have enough time to figure out who the lady was, as she continued. “And my bicycle was broken, so I will have to take your family’s bicycle to go there.”

While Tomorrow was still confused about what was going on, the lady grabbed the bicycle and prepared to leave. I realised later when I was older that my family’s bicycle at that time was really expensive and our most valuable asset; not many people in my village could afford to buy one. My father had saved money to buy it as a gift to my mother, so that she could use it to commute safely to the market every day.

The lady lifted me up onto the bicycle and rode away, leaving my bewildered sister behind. I, on the other hand, felt excited to go see my parents. After the lady took me about 500 metres away from my house, I suddenly heard a familiar voice: “Don’t go, Huong (my Vietnamese name).” A few seconds later, the person with the voice stopped in front of me and the lady. He must have been sprinting after us because he was panting.

It was my brother. “I want to take my sister home. She isn’t going anywhere. She is still too small to go to the hospital.”

“But your parents want to see her,” the lady insisted.

My brother stood his ground. “My parents told us to take care of her at home. She will stay with us. You can go there alone. I have never seen you before,” he said sternly.

The lady gave up arguing with my brother’s determined words, so she rode away as soon as she could. My brother held me tight and I could feel his heart beating in his chest. I didn’t realise what had just happened, why my brother was breathing so rapidly, and why he ran as he took me back home. My brother was horrified, while I, the victim, felt happy as an innocent would-be kidnapped baby. I only came to deeply understand that terrifying feeling that my brother had two years later when he held me tight after saving me from drowning in a river. I understood he was terrified because he’d almost lost his sister.

Nobody had any idea who the lady was, but everyone believed that she was a kidnapper. At that time in Vietnam, people kidnapped children to earn small fortunes by selling them in China. Some children in my province were kidnapped and I was thankful to be saved. That was why there were many movies about successful people who grew up abroad then went back to find their birth parents in Vietnam. As I grew up, I would sometimes joke with my mother that I could have become a successful businesswoman abroad and then come back to find them. My mother would always tell me it was the silliest idea she had heard of.

Deep within me, unconsciously, I knew that I didn’t need to be kidnapped to be successful but that I could just decide to become it. Deep within me, unconsciously, I felt incredibly thankful to have been given the golden chance to be me, as part of my wonderful and loving family.

We don’t need to wait for anything to happen to decide to become somebody. We just need to decide who we want to become. We don’t need to wait for anything to happen to feel how thankful we are, to just be alive, to have another chance to be who we want to be. We just need to decide to be thankful from today. We just need to decide to live a life with PASSION from today. Every day. Every moment.


Kindness of the uncle 'a...a...'

[Gratitude -Beauty of life] What do you feel thankful for today?

I am thankful for "The ‘a...a...a’ man who took me to the Happy House"

I was on my way from the house of my friend to a coffee shop named Happy House with excitement because of the coffee shop's name. This is also the name of a very lovely house in a childhood movie that I remember. (Maybe you know the movie, "Ngôi nhà Hạnh Phúc" in Vietnamese ^^☺️).

While I was enjoying the walk, a motorbike stopped by, and the rider – a man about 50 years of age tried to talk to me. “a …a…a…a….a…” – that’s all I heard, I couldn’t hear anything else. In an instant, I understood that he couldn’t speak and that he earned his living as a Grab motorbike rider. His sincere smile and his gentle polite gestures reassured me and I jumped on his motorbike and told him where to go. (My friends sometimes warn me whenever I trust strangers too much, but yes, I had faith in my intuition and it is often right^^ I believe if we are nice to others, we always gain rather than lose anything, don’t you agree?)

He took me to my destination, Happy House, driving slowly and carefully.

The first thing he did when I got off the bike was not to ask for payment, but rather he gave me a smile to express his thanks and handed me a small piece of paper with a phone number. I was in no hurry to use it and it didn’t feel right to be too involved in someone else’s business – but afterwards my intuition told me to pick up the phone and call the number as maybe he had urgent things to tell me, but he could not speak. I called the number – he tried to say something and I believe it was, “Call me if you need a ride.” Wow, such a really thoughtful and professional driver.

I walked inside the coffee shop and had a great feeling – difficult to describe. So many people out there are great, no matter what they do. If we slow down a bit, trust each other, be nice to each other no matter what we do, even if we don’t say much, we can create happy feelings for others!

Have a great week and enjoy whatever you do my friends!


Courage is a choice

#happyhighperformancehabits #joywithjen

Cheering people up = A habit to reinforce their bold action and your bold action + connection + growth

Who will you tell today, "Yes, Keep going" to cheer them up because of their courage?

We ended our delivery workshop (organised by amazing Lê Linh Ngọc and Hiếu Trí Nguyễn), with everyone writing one bold action they would do when going home. This little girl (with the mic) raised her hand and asked to do it right there.

She sang a song in front of an audience - the thing she was always fearful of doing. I could see her courage despite her fear. And I could see that her confidence will be blossoming with that continuous choice of courage over fear. Everyone in the workshop had a moment of worrying whether they could make it but after some seconds, they all joined in with the courage vibe of the girl.

You and I can join the little girl - doing one thing we are fearful of today.

And you can join with me and others to cheer someone today because of their courage!

Thanks and love to Ngoc and Hieu for creating the space for us to choose courage over fear!


Join PEAK for a run…

Join PEAK for a run…of togetherness and resilience

The dog goes for a marathon training …

In our trip to a mountain in Vietnam this week, we often woke up to run in the early morning …

This morning, I went trail running…and a group of others went for running on the road toward the highway…

And I heard this beautiful story from them when they came back from running…

After leaving the house some hundred metres, they noticed the dog belonging to the owner of the homestay following them…His engaging face made them reluctant to make the dog go back to the homestay…So it followed them on their way…

The dog consistently ran with them…after a certain distance, the dog stopped and peed on the road to mark their route back…

After 8km running, they reached the highway…It was almost the time scheduled to leave the homestay to go to another mountain area…

To save everyone else waiting for them…they rented motorbikes to go back…One guy picked up the dog on the motorbike …and they continued on their way to go back to the homestay…

The dog didn’t want to be on the motorbike but jumped on the ground and ran forward to lead them home…

So the motorbike slowly went at the speed of the dog…and they made it home with the dog!

The dog made their day – thanks to his faithfulness and company!


Confidence is a muscle, Compassion is a muscle ...

[Confidence is a muscle, Communication is a muscle, Compassion is a muscle...Which means we can train the muscles with enough dedication and commitment]
[Sự tự tin là một cơ bắp, Giao tiếp là một cơ bắp, Đam mê và lòng tốt là một cơ bắp...Chúng ta có thể rèn luyện "cơ bắp" này với sự cam kết và kiên trì]
“Dear Andrew,
Trying texting,
Love Grandmo”
Andrew got this text message from his grandma as it was the first time she tried to use social media to text him. She is 87 years old.
Each time he got a text from her, she always used the formula of “Dear, Content, Signature”, a very common structure of sending emails.
One day, he was in a trip in Switzerland, he texted his grandma “Hi grandma, I am in Switzerland”.
“Dear Andrew, Switzerland, WTF”, his grandma replied.
“What …”, he was surprised when seeing “WTF” from his 87 years old grandma.
To not assume anything, he asked “What does it mean WTF grandma?”
“Somone said to me it means Wow, That’s Fun”, grandma replied.
Did you get some laughter after reading this? I did. I watched this Tedx talk of Andrew and his humor in telling the story gave us a pleasant time – and interestingly, this humor was not something he had automatically – it was a process of practice. Humour is a skill that we can practice, does confidence, does compassion!
What is your "muscle" will you "train" today with your dedication?

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I remember back then a lot of people texted me through my Facebook page asking me to take pictures. Sometimes I look through all the messages on Facebook and that day, I see a very long message from a little girl named Ngoc Anh. And the experience with Ngoc makes me more confident that I was born with the mission of capturing the moments and meaning of life.

“Ngoc Anh was born and raised in Quang Tri, is a beautiful girl with a sunny smile, she won the first prize in the Hoa Khoi contest at school at the age of 14. The year she won the Hoa Khoi Prize, was also the year she discovered she had leg cancer, and she had to undergo treatment and then amputated her leg. And when the leg was cut off, the first thing she told the doctor was, "Why didn't you cut it earlier so that the pain will be lessened." And after Ngoc Anh had her leg amputated, she got a prosthesis and returned to school to play with her friends.

Ngoc Anh was happy for 2 years, she found out that cancer had spread to her lungs and she would not live long with that disease.

While there are many people who can be economically viable, when they text me, they have no intention of paying the fee for taking pictures, but Ngoc Anh - a girl who is still in school and has a serious illness again offer to pay the fee and ask me to come and capture the last moments of her life. I was really touched, admired and respected the little girl's gesture. And in me there is a really grateful feeling because I was given her trust to capture the last moments of her life. After that, I arranged to fly in to capture the last moments of Ngoc Anh's life.

I still remember that day in Quang Tri, the weather was very nice, and I saw Ngoc Anh in the flesh. Although she has no hair left, Ngoc Anh is still very beautiful. Ngoc Anh's smile radiated, a smile with positive energy despite the death coming knocking on the door. I had a day with Ngoc Anh, and also took her to the sea, and that day was the most meaningful day of my life, for me to realize that I was born with the mission of capturing beautiful moments to spread. the value and positive energy of the women regardless of in the difficult times and in the moments near to death. "

- From the book “under the iceberg of success”_Jen Vuhuong
