What have you decided to shift from within? The outside world may already be reinforcing it for you… Have you noticed?

It’s fascinating how the outside world reflects our inner shifts back to us through the people we meet and the situations we find ourselves in. Each encounter seems like a mirror, reinforcing the changes we make within ourselves.

Today, I met different people, and each one reminded me of something essential in my journey. And maybe, as you read this, you’ll recognize some of these reflections in your own life.

*A business owner I met today has been working on training more people and automating his business so it doesn’t rely solely on him. This aligns with one of my key goals for 2025—expanding training for those on the same path and integrating automation for sustainable growth.

*Two friends I met are trail and long-distance runners, winners of various running competitions, and experienced triathletes. One of them had once supported me when I first started running 100km, and now, our paths have crossed again.
They also wanted to do a 10-day meditation, something I’ve experienced before. Together, we reinforced our commitment to dedicating each year to either an intensive meditation retreat or a long-distance endurance challenge.

The universe is always speaking. Every person we meet, every conversation we have, every unexpected moment—it’s all a reflection of where we are and where we’re meant to go.

Your Being & Doing Corner:
When do you truly listen—to yourself and to life?

What patterns, reminders, or nudges have been showing up for you lately? What is life trying to tell you?

Are there certain people, conversations, or situations that keep repeating? A lesson that keeps knocking on your door? A feeling urging you to move in a new direction?
Pause for a moment.
What is life trying to tell you?

Maybe it's time to trust the flow. Maybe it's time to take that leap. Maybe it’s simply a reminder that you are already on the right path.

The answers are already there. We just have to listen, from insideout.