23 Joyful and High-Performance Habits for 2023

Gratitude for 2022, Welcome 2023...

We embrace new challenges and unexpected moments, knowing they offer opportunities for joy, growth, and impact.

Thank you for everything ❤️


Have you tried these 23 Joyful High-Performance Habits for 2023?

  1. Set a goal that elevates your life to the next level.

  2. Reinvent yourself: Rewrite your 3 core values and 3 key skills to master.

  3. Plan and schedule how you will nurture these values and key skills.

  4. Let go of limiting beliefs and cultivate 3 empowering beliefs to support your growth.

  5. Boost your energy daily through exercise and self-improvement.

  6. Master one golden hour each morning.

  7. Use the Pomodoro technique: Release tension after each task, set clear intentions before starting the next.

  8. Beat procrastination with Parkinson’s Law: Finish tasks before they need to be done.

  9. Prepare an antidote in advance for common distractions.

  10. Plan your next day the night before.

  11. Keep the main thing the main thing: Spend most of your time creating meaningful outputs for your primary goal.

  12. Do what scares you.

  13. Create a Mastermind group.

  14. Talk to a stranger.

  15. Have a mentor/coach—or become one.

  16. Perform an act of kindness.

  17. Appreciate the little things every day.

  18. Reflect on your progress and keep going.

  19. Help others build these habits, too.

  20. Evaluate what works and what doesn’t as you develop these habits.

  21. Create your own principles and essential habits to achieve your goal.

  22. Write down what you’re grateful for every day.

  23. Go back to step one and start again.