Gratitude to
2022, 2023...
We welcome new challenges and unexpected things. We have opportunities to transcend them to become joy, growth, and impact.
Thanks for all ❤️
Have you tried 23 Joyful High-Performance Habits for 2023?
1. Set a goal that raises your life to the next level.
2. Decide your re-invented version: re-write your 3 core values, 3 key skills to master.
3. Plan and schedule your plan to nurture the values and key skills.
4. Let go of limiting beliefs, plant 3 empowering beliefs to nurture your values and skills.
5. Generate energy each day with exercise and working on improving yourself.
6. Master one-morning golden hour.
7. Focus with Pomodoro: release tension after each activity, set intention before each activity.
8. Finish things before they need to be finished with Parkinson’s Law.
9. Find an ‘antidote’ in advance for common distractions.
10. Plan a new day the night before.
11. Keep the main thing the main thing: Spend the majority of time on creating outputs that matter for your main goal.
12. Do what you are scared of.
13. Create a Mastermind group.
14. Talk to a stranger.
15. Have/Become a mentor/coach.
16. Do an act of kindness.
17. Appreciate little things each day.
18. Integrate what you have done well to keep going.
19. Help others to do all the above habits.
20. Reflect what works, what does not work after developing the above habits.
21. Create your own principles/important habits to achieve your goal.
22. Write down what you feel grateful for each day.
23. Go back to the first step.