I recalled the conversation with my dear first mentor, Eileyn (a suvivor of a fire explosion), in a public speaking and leadership community when I was in Penang in 2014. We talked about the topic of daily experienced, at that moment in time in Vietnam - kindness, giving, and “paying it forward”.  

The first time I met Eileyn, in 2014, Eileyn gave me a card with the phrase, "Pay it forward". Later, I understood the meaning of it. When we are kind toward others, unconditionally, and others are kind to each other ...the kindness keeps expanding, hundreds then thousands, then millions will be treated kindly; positivity and fulfilment double double-double... She has lived it, so when she got the accident, the fire explosion, everyone gathered to support her financially and mentally to get over it.

We have experienced unconditional love and giving between people in the past days when storms came to Vietnam. Thank you, thank you all, for being alive and in our hearts.

May we, be kind and give unconditionally, as a part of life, not just at special times - because it is a part of us.

Thanks to us!