#gratitude Thursday #PERSPECTIVES

'We cannot solve our problems with the same thinking we used when we created them. – Albert Einstein." (We then need to raise to the next level of thinking...then action, habits and people we meet...)

One weekend our team, including people from different generations and coaches, had the opportunity to work with a successful entrepreneur (he started doing business when he was in grade 7, and he has the highest level of financial freedom now) to help him determine his next level of development.

(And you, who are reading this - what is your next level of development?)

We invite you to join the entrepreneur and reflect on your next level of growth through the following 'coaching' conversation:

Coach: How do you see yourself in 5 years?

Coachee: I see myself as an inspirational person who empowers others to broaden the vision for themselves.

Coach: What makes that important to you?

Coachee: I don't need to work anymore…I'm financially free, I could retire now, but I feel that I need to do something more. I still feel that I want to do something bigger than just make more money. I want to help more people - on a larger scale just not in my province, who are like me when I was much younger, to create a better life for themselves…and create a new standard for this field…

Coach: What makes it so important to do it this way…can it be done another way (or through this industry)?

Coachee: Because it's my industry…It's what I do every day…I want to keep doing something related to it…but making an impact on another level.

Coach: What does that impact look like specifically?

Coachee: I will get people to broaden their horizons and think bigger for themselves; I will set a good example of producing results, I will make them believe in themselves.

Coach: Where are you on that journey on a scale of 0 to 10?

Coach: 6

Coach: What made you a '6' and what would your mindset and skill set look like if you were at '10'?

Coachee: I have to become a leader who creates other leaders, I have to acquire communication skills, system thinking level in a bigger scale…

Coach: What else?

Coachee: And the people I may meet...


The next day, to create the environment for him to think from a new level of thinking – a leader makes other leaders: we let him experience an activity in which he would lead 3 people (who are strangers - not his team in reality) and he needs to invite them to join his mission - like the 'generals' in his team.

He walked in to chat with them and immediately he talked about all the tasks that he would assign to each person: person 1 will have 3 tasks, person 2 will have 3 other tasks, …Then he asked 3 people to share what they needed to complete the task.

After that activity, we asked 3 people – how did they feel about the experience from the above activity. They feel that based on their short experience in the past activity, if they work with him, they will work because he can help them secure a living, more than working as ‘generals’ – working on developing themselves to create better results

When he looked back at his performance in this activity – he felt he acted at the level of telling people what to do rather than creating an environment to find out each person's 'potential'…He not yet positioned himself from the level of a ‘leader’ who creates other leaders…

At the end of the workshop, his new thinking and positioning is not about delegating tasks to people but empowering thoughts from others…starting from listening and asking questions to understand others…


Wish us to experience different dimensions of life, not stay stuck in one way of seeing things, and go beyond challenges and limitations.

A great week heading to 2024 for all of us

#everyoneneedsacoach #jencoaching #selfcoaching