Your Super Sunday Notes 'INTRINSIC MOTIVATION'

Your Super Sunday Notes 'INTRINSIC MOTIVATION'

Hope your Sunday goes well

What are your keywords for last week? Mine are 'intrinsic motivation'.

Last week I talked to Tim about what he wants in life. He shared about wanting to increase his company's revenue.

'Jen: What is your goal this year?

Tim: Increase company revenue 3 times?

Jen: Does that goal make you feel challenged and excited enough?

Tim: Yes, it's challenging, but also exciting

Jen: That goal achieved, what does it mean to you?

Tim: I will be seen as a real businessman.

Jen: A real businessman, how would you describe it from your perspective?

Tim: I help my team have a better life, 3 times better than now.

Jen: What's else?

Tim: I raise myself to a new standard of capability, mindset, and skills...

Jen: Tim's version – in the next standard to achieve 3 times the goal of Tim's current friend? What will it look like?

Tim: …(thinking) I got this!'

And you? What goals do you have this year? In life or in business?

What does your version of that goal look like?

If you have an external starting point to achieve that goal, you need to look back to see what internal factors make you want to achieve the goal – like Tim in the example above.

When you connect with your inner motivation, you will always appreciate the journey, and what you learn, instead of being compared and looked at outside – things you have no control over.

According to Ryan and Deci (2000), Intrinsic motivation is defined as the doing of an activity for its inherent satisfaction rather than for some separable consequence. When intrinsically motivated, a person is moved to act for the fun or challenge entailed rather than because of external products, pressures, or rewards.

Extrinsic motivation is a construct that pertains whenever an activity is done in order to attain some separable outcome. Extrinsic motivation thus contrasts with intrinsic motivation, which refers to doing an activity simply for the enjoyment of the activity itself, rather than its instrumental value (Ryan and Deci, 2000 ).

A great week for all of us where we connect with intrinsic motivation in what we do!