Generate the Joy

We don't have JOY automatically, but we can build a habit to generate JOY automatically.

We can build a habit of generating joy by asking 'What is the one way I can generate joy today'.

We got the answers of the above question from our personal development community members:

- Be brave to follow your dream, it is a joy

- Find the joy in the dangerous experiences by seeing it differently

- Doing something different from what you normally do and empty your mind to just be in the present

- Find the Joy in an unexpected experience when you look back and give it this meaning

- Find the joy by seeing different colours, different aspects of life

- Find the joy by treasure what you have

- Find joy by playing with children because they are always themselves and they can make you surprise by their creativity

- Find the Joy in PEACE

- Find the joy by learning from others’ stories of joy

What is your way to generate Joy today?