The only comparison we should make to our version of yesterday and today

“I was scrolling up and down to see the ranking of his book and mine…when I was first, I said “oh, yes”. When he was first, “grmmmmmmmmmm…” I got grummppy. I was in the weird competition with myself.

One day, he and I got interviewed in an event together. The MC asked us to introduce each other. I went and said “you are someone who made me feel insecure. I saw my weaknesses in your strengths”…He then turned to me “I feel the same about you…”

We laughed.

We now love each other”.

It was a story told by Simon Sinek – maybe many of you know him with his book “Start with Why”. He talked about a common reason making lots of us feeling less about ourselves – comparing ourselves with others. And the beautiful way of dealing with it is to actually using it as a sign to inform us what we feel not good about ourselves then developing that if needed or to acknowledging that we don’t need to be good at all.

When we compare ourselves with anyone and see their success then feel bad ourselves:

-          Thanks to the feeling

-          Asking ourselves if we need to develop the skills that the person we compare to really good at then getting ourselves surround him or her to learn from him or her

-          Acknowledging that we don’t need to be good at everything but we need to acknowledge and value ourselves at what we are great at

-          Never stop learning

-          Collaboration rather than competition


The daily comparison we make everyone should be to compare to ourselves yesterday!

And remember, you are great at your own pace!
