'How can I make a positive change in my life/career?' Have you ever asked yourself this question?
This seems to be a common question for most of us. 
We all have a desire to better our life and somehow deep down we know we have potential to do it! However, having a desire is a starting point of a journey and we need to have a set of habits that matter to the new life/career we want to have. Hence, the question we need to answer is 'What habits that matter to your next level in my life/career?'
 I didn't ask myself this question until I changed my career path from being an engineer to a writer/trainer. I found that lots of habits (even good habits) helped me accelerating my engineering career did not matter to my writing/training career anymore. Thankfully, by modeling my mentors and influencers in the industry, I have found tools and practices to accelerate habits that matter to my new career. To step up to the next level, sometimes we need to break not only bad habits but good habits to create new habits that matter to our next level in life. 
Since habits are things that we repeatedly do overtime, breaking habits is not happening one day. Understanding about habits, having a right mindset, tools and an environment will help you accelerate and sustain the process. I am going to share with you these insights to support you in this journey:

How are habits formed?
How to break bad habits?
What habits that matter to your next level in life? 
How to form empowering habits?
How to sustain empowering habits?
These insights are available both online and offline.

Contact us for either online or offline training: 

Basic training videos about habits

some basic information about habits:

Habits are formed by 3 elements:

•         The cue: triggers

•         The habits themselves

•         Award

For example the habit of brushing your teeth. Waking up is a trigger, brushing teeth is the habit itself and the reward would be you feel your teeth clean and fresh. Or the habit of crossing the street: the trigger is the light is green, crossing the street is the habit itself and the reward would be you get closer to your destination or at least you don’t break the rule.

Knowing that you can break a bad habit by breaking the cue. For example, you have a habit of eating late in the evening. The trigger can be when you go home alone you feel bored and you go and buy snacks and eat. Now you can replace the triggers. For example, asking where the feeling comes from and why does it happen? Then acknowledging eating is just temporary unhealthy solution and instead of that you can go for a walk. Even if you go to buy something, choose the apples instead of snack. Later on, you don’t even need apples but just do something like going for a run.

 How to form a new habit that you have never done before. You can just start small first. Just tell yourself what is the one thing you can do to feel better at that and stay consistence. Even when you don’t have long time, just keep doing it even short time. The idea is anything is better than nothing.

You can join me in the online course to get information in details and keep accountability. When you join the online course, you will get 30 minutes free consulting as well as materials to make an action plan.