Jen Vuhuong

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Collaborative leadership and Self-leadership

After my sharing in the seminar Leadership from Below organized by the UK embassy, a gentelemtn asked me "You said leadership starts from leading your life - be the leader of your life. If everyone wants to be the leader, and if they have different ideas then how can a team work together?"

Really interesting! Maybe sometimes we may think being able to work alone conflict with being able to work in a team. 

Here are 3 ideas why these two abilities support each other to help us develop our life:

- A person who cannot even control his or her behaviours will be difficult to influence others which mean they cannot work in a team well. Therefore, before really leading any team, we need to be able to lead ourselves 

- In a team, we are all leaders of what we have to take responsibility for, doing our best on our part to complete the mission of the team. 

- Our daily life is also important as our work because what happens during our life would influence our work performance. Therefore, we need to be able to take fully responsibility for our life and lead our life to be our best so we also can work with our highest performance

Tonight, in Cspeaking gym we will go deeper in different aspects of collaboration that I call collaborative leadership.