Jen Vuhuong

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Super Sunday Notes: Abundant Mindset

#SuperSunday #Gratitude #Notes


Do you take action each day with an inabundant mindset: you work on achieving a goal because you are not worthy so you have to prove OR an abundant mindset: you work on a goal because it is important, you are worthy, and have that potential?

(the starting point of your actions – your state of mind, leading to the ‘results’ you receive)


Situation: a coachee has kept feeling like something is missing, and that feeling keeps growing as he achieves different goals. Yesterday, I had a conversation with the coachee about the coachee's starting point when taking action to achieve a goal. You join us to contemplate if you have ever experienced the same feeling as the coachee.

I use the metaphor to describe the situation of a person who plants a forest to simulate different states of the coachee’s journey.

• Journey of stage 1: You wake up every day and you feel: Oh, I'm not good enough, maybe I have something, but many people are better, all in all, I'm not good enough; So I have to plant this tree so that one day it will become a forest. Day after day, you wake up and 'recite' that thought, before taking action to 'plant' or 'fertilize'. One day, you finish planting the forest, you feel a little proud, then you look around, and you see there are many people with more forests than you, you continue to say 'I'm not good enough, I need to plant another forest...'

And your life continues to ‘realize’ and ‘prove’ with the ‘thinking’ NOT GOOD ENOUGH SO I MUST… THEN I WILL SEE GOOD ENOUGH. You feel like the seed of the thought 'IT'S NOT GOOD ENOUGH SO I MUST... THEN I WILL FEEL GOOD ENOUGH' has grown into a forest of ancient trees, covering all other thoughts, making you keep feeling like something is not enough, something is missing.

Or have you moved into a state…

• Journey of stage 2: Oh, that's it, there's no need to do anything to prove it, just leave it like that, to relieve fatigue...

At first, you feel good.

After a while of not doing anything, you find yourself falling into relaxation and indolence, you get bored, you feel itchy, and you feel like something is bothering you, as if you were running away from something, not having resolved the root of your state 1...

You move into another stage, ask and answer by yourself, to get to the 'root' of the emotions experienced in stages 1 and 2...

• Journey of the Stage 3:

You read books, go to school, consult others, learn new 'tools', attend 'programs'...

You ask yourself: what do you plant forests for?

Your answer: to prove to everyone that I am more confident

You ask yourself: now that the world and the universe acknowledge that you are confident, what will you do next?

You answer: hmmm…

You ask yourself: will you continue to plant forests...

Your answer: I don't know, let's see...

You ask yourself: so continue waiting...

Your answer: hmmm, I've been waiting for a long time, I'm bored, and I keep seeing something bothering me.

You ask yourself: what will you do if you get stuck?

Your answer: don't know

You ask yourself: when will you know, then keep calculating

Your answer: If you want to know now, maybe continue planting forests

You ask yourself: before you said you don't need to prove it anymore, why plant a forest...

Your answer: Well, I don't need proof, but I like planting forests

You wonder: without proof, still planting forests, so what is the reason?

You answer: because you like the experience of planting forests

You say: so just do it

You ask yourself again: wait, what will that experience bring? Can you do something else?

You answer: I like the experience of planting forests

You wonder: what will you experience when you plant a forest?

Your answer: experience the action of choosing seeds, nurturing plants, and then creating a place for all species to live together...

You wonder: what does that place feel like...

You answer: connection, love, possibility, positivity…

You wonder: what plants should you plant to get that feeling...

Your answer: it is more about the mindset when planting trees...

You wonder: You mean, like Stage 1, planting with the mindset of 'not enough, not confident yet...'

Your answer: Yes, but change the mindset, now it will be a mindset of being able, connected, loving, and positive, just do it, because it's necessary, don't have to do it to prove it, just do it...

And then you move to the next stage

• Journey of Stage 4: I CHOOSE TO EXPERIENCE PLANTING THE FOREST to experience life, I have potential, and planting forests has benefits for me and possibly for everyone. Every day my job is to ENJOY to the act of planting a forest and experiencing what happens in the process.

A great week for us all, doing anything with the abundance mindset: the mindset of possibility, worthiness