Jen Vuhuong

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#SuperSunday #GratitudeNotes with #jen

Who would you write a 'thanks letter' to today?

I am writing to you and Team...

'Thank you, Team, who has co-created a meaningful journey for each individual and each working partner.

Thank you, each beautiful soul, for joining our shared journey by choosing to:

+ Experience life to the fullest in our way and together through each thing we do each day, and yes through our shared platforms;

+ Unleash and nurture the 'giant' of possibilities, joy, peace, and love within us through our every thought, belief, behavior, and habit;

+ Trust in the journey, in ourselves and others because we are life, we are love, we are possibilities, we are joy, we are all that can name and cannot name: we have it all within us to harmonize with the outside;

+ Wake up each day with gratitude for having more chances to live up to build the life we deserve and are worthy of and go out to act upon it;

+ Go throughout the day with intention, appreciation, and knowing that we are walking in our way, together, and every challenge happens is for our perspectives, growth, and joy; and enjoy every moment of life;

+ Go through each challenge and hard moment with gratitude and mindfulness;

+ Go through each uncomfortable moment with gratitude and not take it personally because you are life, you are bigger than any temporary things so you can go beyond the situations and challenges with new behaviors and skills if needed;

+ go to sleep each night with gratitude for what we have done, what life will bring to us, and the moment right now;

And being thankful that we have gifts from life: emotions 'fears, doubts, tiredness, ..., and excitement, joy...' as signs for our next level of growth, awareness, and enjoyment; feel what comes, fully, acknowledge it, then go through it with gratitude and courage.

Thanks to the Team for making it happen 'j.e.n books co-creators' where we can hold 'knowledge, experiences and wholehearted work' of individuals having over 10 years experience in a particular field in our hands.

Thank you Team for practicing the above things together through 'j.e.n books co-creators', where we can 'hold in our hands' the 'knowledge, experience and compassionate experience' of individuals with more than 10 years of experience. experience in a certain field.

We have achieved the fullest experience in life together, and created 'masterpieces' together!