Jen Vuhuong

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Change how you say to change how you do

"I am bored"

"I am tired"

"I am ok"

Have you ever told yourself that? And after that maybe you feel better? No, you feel not great after saying it!

“Language shapes our behavior and each word we use is imbued with multitudes of personal meaning. The right words spoken in the right way can bring us love, money and respect, while the wrong words—or even the right words spoken in the wrong way — can lead to a country to war. We must carefully orchestrate our speech if we want to achieve our goals and bring our dreams to fruition. — Dr. Andrew Newberg, Words Can Change Your Brain”

Each time we say these things to ourselves, it is like a command to our brain to trigger our brain focusing on sadness, tiredness or "okness" but not the JOY or GREATNESS. And with that, you take action on that not great state of mind leading to not good results.

The good news is that we can change this habit! We can start changing what to say to ourselves to then trigger the JOY and GREATNESS leading to better action.

And the idea is not about trying to IGNORE our feelings - that we actually feel but actually is ACKNOWLEDGE the feelings but then DOING things to change it, we do not need to stay there for so long!

We acknowledge the feelings then change the words leading to a better state of mind then better action:

"I am bored" > "I may feel bored but one thing I can do now to feel the JOY is..."

"I am tired" > "I may feel tired but one thing I can do now to generate ENERGY is..."

"I am ok" > "I am ok maybe not feeling great yet but one thing I can do now to EXCITE me is..."


More ways to change what make us think less of ourselves:

“It is not for me” > “If it is working for them, let me give it a try”

“I am not good at that” > “If it is important enough, let me learn to be better”

“I do not know” > “if it is important, let me learn to master it”

What other sentences you have told yourself that have held you back, tell us we will work it out with you!