'You are the most beautiful when you are your true self'.


When we are true to ourselves, we will experience:


FROM trying to be liked by everyone, TO focusing on nurturing our values and adding value to others.


FROM blaming

TO learning and appreciating.


FROM being scared of feedback

TO acknowledging the feelings, maybe not being right but to express what we think and believe, to connect better.


FROM comparing ourselves with others to disparage ourselves or others

TO learning, collaborating and respecting each person's values and their choices.


FROM feeling small when we are around people who are more successful than us (by society's standards).

TO feeling grateful for the opportunity to meet people who are successful in their way, and regularly seeking to expand our network to connect with successful people and learn from them. And we also regularly promote the deepening of the relationships in the current network.


FROM giving up because of poor short-term results and using short-term results to decide on long-term vision and goals.

TO not letting temporary setbacks determine the potential of life's long-term goals, re-focusing on what matters to decide on the next moves.