#with Jada...and#

Last week, Jen attended a conference for managers/leaders with the topic ‘Leading Change’, organized by TLC and faciliated by a Harvard professor.

Fellow participants in the program and Jen learned about the 'case study' of a family company with a history of more than 10 years. We learned about the company's situation, and positioned ourselves as successors to manage the company, and systematize the methodology/theoretical model behind how this company handles the change.

At the end of the workshop, the professor summarized the change management process in the form of a diagram: the change journey from point A to point B is not a straight line; it will include ups and downs – from A to C (lower than B), and when we get to the low point – we will feel uneasy and will wonder if the decision to leave point A was right, and there may be tendency to return to point A – old ways of thinking and doing things; When we have faith and let ourselves keep going, everything will gradually become clearer and clearer.

At the end of the workshop, one of the company's successors, and also the current CEO, talked about the company's change journey.

He said after nearly a year in the context of internal family conflicts regarding the succession of the company, the company turned to a consulting company and found a solution to creating change. They have gone through nearly three years of revolutionizing the company's structure, human resources, methods of doing things... and they have gone up and down many times, and many times wanted to return to the old point... many times. when they lost confidence in their initial decision... But in reality, they felt they had already left point A, there was no reason to turn back, so they just kept going...'

Also participating in the workshop was the founder of a startup company, ECOFA, supported by this family company and TLC (who organized the workshop). Exactly one year earlier, on October 19, the CEO of this family company together with the director of TLC visited ECOFA's raw material area. At that time, ECOFA had just started its startup journey, there were still many unclear points, there was no sharpness in developing core products or business models... At that time, there were many unconvincing points to consider. Whether to invest or accompany ECOFA, but one thing everyone could feel was the determination and commitment of the founding team.

Jen spoke to the CEO after more than a year of meeting the founder of ECOFA, about the change of Nam – the founder of ECOFA; the CEO replied, 'I felt this a few months ago when I met Nam again, I saw that Nam might also go through ups and downs when determining what to do on this path, but I see Nam is going in the right direction... let's keep going...'

Last week, talking about the topic of change, ups and downs, I heard an American actress and talk-show host - Jada Pinkett Smith talking about her feelings in an interview with Jay Shetty. She had just gone through a period of 'resurrection' from a 'suicidal' experience, despite having achieved great success according to society's definition. And when asked about what she would do differently if she went back to the past so she wouldn't experience 'sad' and 'painful' times like the past, Jada went silent and then shared ‘good and bad experiences…that made me who I am today… seeing more clearly the parts of me…that I had not seen’…

The CEO of the family company, the ECOFA founder, Jada Smith, has decided to change and improve/achieve his mission goals; and they all go through ups and downs, and each downtime is a time when it can be easy to return to the 'old path', and it can also be a time to gain stronger momentum and experience wonderful things.

You and I will also be grateful for the moments of 'sadness, anxiety, loss of faith...?' - consider them a positive signal that we are moving out of the comfort zone? and if we continue…we move to a place where we are strong, profound, mature, and joyful…and we go on another journey to continue expanding our comfort zone – Expand your perspective and experience about yourself, those around you, and life.


- Deciding to change comes from within.

- Thank you for the concerns and challenges along the journey.

- Wondering what 'this concern, this challenge...' teaches me about myself, the people around me and life.

- Do one thing to move forward.

- Thank you for moving on, and keep going.

- Walk with everyone.

- Be grateful every hour, every day, every week, every month, every year.

Thank you Dr Ramesh, TLC, the family company, the CEO, and everyone participating in the program.

Thank you team at the hotel for your thoughtful support.

Thank you team for participating in the journey of 'change'.

Thank life for allowing us to experience different aspects of ourselves, people and life.

Thank you for reading together.