Jen Vuhuong

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2nd Dec Recap - Bring the Joy

We had an joyful night with 10 different stories ranging from the topic of horror to peace.

We have learned a lot from different stories and here is a summary of the takeaways:

(1) Messages from stories

  • You can find the joy in doing a dangerous job such as being a killer (from Minh’s story)

    It was a creative way of Minh to create a character of a horror movie and make audience to proactively ask him about the movie.

  • Be brave to follow your dream, it is a joy (from Rosie’s story)

  • You can find the joy in the dangerous experiences by seeing it differently (from Donavon’s story)

  • You can find the joy by doing something different from what you normally do and empty your mind to just be in the present (from Nhung’s story)

  • You can find the Joy in an unexpected experience when you look back and give it this meaning (Camilo’s story)

  • You can find the joy by seeing different colours, different aspects of life (Hong’s story)

  • You can find the joy by treasure what you have (Hien’s story)

  • You can find joy by playing with children because they are always themselves and they can make you surprise by their creativity (from Hang’s story)

  • You can find the Joy in PEACE (from Van Anh’s story)

  • You can find the joy by learning from others’ stories of joy (Giang’s sharing)

(2) Learning points from storytelling and public speaking aspects

  • The presence on the stage: take some seconds to relax and feel grounded on stage before speaking so the audience also can feel relaxed to start off listening to you

    Stand straight would also create a sense of focus on you for the audience

  • The distribution of the attention to the audience: distribute your eyes in 3 corners to connect with the whole audience

  • Engage with the audience by asking questions and crack a joke

  • End with a key message and call for action so audience knows your intention of what you inspire them to do after hearing your story

Thanks to everyone to share your stories to bring the joy to us - cannot wait to hear more of your stories next time!
