Jen Vuhuong

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Your story matters

When I was in the UK, every month I went to a story-telling event where most people were native speakers.

As a little girl coming from the countryside of Vietnam, telling a story in the English language in front of around 200 people made me nervous in my stomach ... I could hear my little voice "people would not understand you..." (Have you ever felt that before? You wanted to speak up and that voice came up...)

But then I remembered the saying of a dear friend that "if your message is important enough to share with others then you have to share it, you don’t know who may benefit from it until you share it out…”. I also told myself I was inspired by people who shared their stories and someone could also be inspired by my stories...

That desire of sharing overcame the doubtful voice and I could not be more thankful that after my sharing, people would come and say they believed in themselves more, thanks to my story.

I noticed there was a guy of more than 60 years of age who always came to the event. I often saw him look at me speaking, not having any emotion or reaction - it was a blank face. I heard a voice telling me "He would not feel interested in stories of a little kid coming from the countryside like me". Have you ever heard a voice like that, just because of the reaction on someone's face?

Until one day, after my story about how I overcame my own doubts when changing my career, he came to me and said "You are like a rock, little girl. I often tell your stories to my grandchildren, you inspire them! Thank you."

I was touched by what he said!

I realized that we are sometimes caught up by the delusion of our own doubts, making us assume things and divert a part of our energy on thinking on being judged.

And if we fully focused on just sharing, serving for good - we would be free from all these doubts and fears, and be fully immersed in the message.

As I have learned a lot about myself and others through telling stories and listening to stories, I created Story Jam to welcome you to come and share your stories or listen to others' stories.

I am looking forward to hearing your story soon!